Mysterious Clouds of Light in English Crop Formation

West Stowell, Wiltshire, "Galaxy" discovered July 23, 1994 in wheat.  Photograph © 1994 by Chad Deetken.
West Stowell, Wiltshire, "Galaxy" discovered July 23, 1994 in wheat. Photograph © 1994 by Chad Deetken.

The following is an excerpt
from the new book Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles
© 2000 by Linda Moulton Howe:

"On August 3-4, 1994, Werner Anderhub from Bern, Switzerland and a friend decided to visit a crop formation at midnight several days after it had been discovered on July 23rd. Researchers called it the "Galaxy" at West Stowell, a little east of Alton Barnes

Inside Galaxy formation at West Stowell, Wiltshire after its discovery on July 23, 1994. Photograph © 1994 by Chad Deetken.
Inside Galaxy formation at West Stowell, Wiltshire after its discovery on July 23, 1994. Photograph © 1994 by Chad Deetken.

"As the two men entered at the southeastern corner of the field about 150 meters from the Galaxy, a very large and bright light seemed to come from the ground inside the crop formation and rise into the sky. Werner told Bert Janssen and Janet Ossebaard in their 1999 documentary Crop Circles, The Research, "It was so bright, it lit up the hills in the background. It was bluish-white in color and about as big as the formation, fifty to sixty meters wide. The bright light formed some sort of cloud and it changed shape continuously as it hovered over the formation. After a couple of seconds, it rose at slow speed and disappeared into the darkness. My friend and I were totally flabbergasted!"


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