Earthfiles Viewer Letters About Oltissis

“In looking for the origin of ‘Oltissis’ as a word, the possibility of it being Hurrian remains a nagging possibility.”

- Earthfiles viewer

Kubaba is the Hurrian Goddess of the city of Carchemish, Turkey, on the Euphrates River, at the Syrian border. She was usually depicted as a regal woman wearing a long robe, either standing or seated on a throne. She holds a mirror in her left hand and a pomegranate in her right hand, symbols respectively of magic and fertility. She was adopted by the Hittites after the fall of the Hurrians, and eventually evolved into the Phrygian Goddess Cybebe, later known as Cybele to the Romans. Source:  Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara, Turkey.
Kubaba is the Hurrian Goddess of the city of Carchemish, Turkey, on the Euphrates River, at the Syrian border. She was usually depicted as a regal woman wearing a long robe, either standing or seated on a throne. She holds a mirror in her left hand and a pomegranate in her right hand, symbols respectively of magic and fertility. She was adopted by the Hittites after the fall of the Hurrians, and eventually evolved into the Phrygian Goddess Cybebe, later known as Cybele to the Romans. Source:  Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara, Turkey.

Update - Earthfiles Viewer Email on July 7, 2011:

“Linda, I'm an engineer and concerning the picture of Kubaba, the pomegranate (moon) is approximately 36% in diameter of the mirror (Earth). The physical ratio between the Earth and Moon is 27% but the visual albedo is 36%. Notice that Kubaba is observing Earth (from the moon?). I believe you had an Earthfiles report about E.T. information that the Moon had been placed there by Other Intelligences to observe and to influence the human race.”


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