Mysterious Blackness in Germany Precedes Crop Formation

Burghasungen, Germany crop formation in yellow flowering oileed rape, or canola, discovered on the morning of May 1, 2000 after a strange blackness descended twice over the region between Kassel and Zierenberg, Germany. Photograph © 2000 by Frank Laumen.
Burghasungen, Germany crop formation in yellow flowering oileed rape, or canola, discovered on the morning of May 1, 2000 after a strange blackness descended twice over the region between Kassel and Zierenberg, Germany. Photograph © 2000 by Frank Laumen.

"It was like we were in a pitch black universe floating or something. It was really weird! Like something I've never seen before."

- Janet Ossebaard, Writer and Photographer, Gieten, The Netherlands

May 21, 2000  Burghasungen, Germany - For the past several years in a beautiful farm valley between Kassel and Zierenberg, Germany, a crop formation has been discovered the same day of each year on May 1st. Anticipating the possibility of watching whatever light or energy or unknown process makes the crop glyphs, a group of about twenty people gathered on the hill tops around the valley on April 30, 2000 to watch all night.


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