Chapter 6 – Mystery Stalks The Prairie

© 1976 by Roberta Donovan and Keith Wolverton

Chapter 6

Law Officers Go On Merry Chase

The idea that helicopters were possibly being used by those mutilating was not new to the Cascade County Sheriff's Department. They considered this possibility many, many times. But the thought had added emphasis when, in the late summer of 1975, they started receiving numerous calls from people who saw helicopters that could not be identified or heard strange noises, some like a helicopter, but saw nothing. There were also instances when they saw a helicopter, but could not hear it.

At almost the same time, the sheriff's office started receiving reports of UFO sightings and of strange bright lights. Officers contemplated the possible connection between unidentified helicopters and cattle mutilations because on several occasions a helicopter was seen hovering over some cattle.


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