July 6, 2004 Spanish Fork, Utah - Melissa Crumpton has gone more than once to the Spanish Fork, Utah, formation to measure the dimensions of its rings for Nancy Talbott's BLT crop and soil research project. The first time was after the farm owner reported the pattern on Sunday, June 27, 2004. That's when it looked like the aerial image below taken before July 1, by KSL-TV, Channel 5, from Salt Lake City. The large center ring measured 25 feet east to west and 24.5 feet north to south, almost a perfect circle. The pattern's overall dimensions were 207 feet by 118 feet, including the later addition of a fourth "eyeball" that appeared in two stages between Thursday, July 1, and Sunday, July 4. The KSL television aerial below does not show the "eyeball" addition. KSL might do more aerial photography and if so, this report will be updated. Melissa Crumpton is working on a new diagram that will show the additional feature with all the pattern's measurements.
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