"It is by far the most impressive lay of any corn circle formation that I've ever been to - not just from the sheer size of it, but the way the corn is laid down in curves."
- Jeffrey Wilson, Director,Independent Crop Circle Researchers Association (ICCRA)
![Miamisburg, Ohio, and its famous mound are fifty miles northwest of Hillsboro, which is also in the Hopewell ancient mound region. In 2003, there were several complex crop formations in soybeans in the mound region east and south of Hillsboro. See 09-06-03 Earthfiles.](https://www.earthfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/MiamisburgHillsboroOhioMAP-1.jpg)
![Above and below: The ancient Miamisburg Mound in Miamisburg, Ohio, is the largest conical earthwork in Ohio. Photograph © 2004 by Jeffrey Wilson.](https://www.earthfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/MiamisburgMound3-1.jpg)
The Ohio Historical Society Marker at the foot of the mound next to the steps says:
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