Animal Mutilations Increase Again in Argentina

Santa Rosa, central top of map, is in the La Pampa Province of Argentina, northwest of Bahia Blanca. The yellow areas have all had repeated animal mutilations since 2002,  with an estimated total of more than 3,000 in Argentina and Chile.
Santa Rosa, central top of map, is in the La Pampa Province of Argentina, northwest of Bahia Blanca. The yellow areas have all had repeated animal mutilations since 2002, with an estimated total of more than 3,000 in Argentina and Chile.

September 20, 2006  Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina - Argentina animal mutilation investigator, Guillermo D. Gimenez, recently sent me a report from Santa Rosa, La Pampa Province, Argentina, by Salvatore Valentin Carta, about the unusual death and mutilation of a pregnant mare found bloodlessly cut up. The ranch owners said the horse was not theirs and the mare's owner is still unidentified. How did the pregnant mare end up on a stranger's property?

Left side of mare's head removed to the bone; left eye removed, tongue removed, internal organs removed. Image © 2006 by Salvatore Valentin Carta.
Left side of mare's head removed to the bone; left eye removed, tongue removed, internal organs removed. Image © 2006 by Salvatore Valentin Carta.

Translation of Carta's September 10, 2006, report: "The location of the mutilated mare was north of Santa Rosa near National Route 35 at the 333 kilometer marker. The mare was about 3-years-old and we are pretty sure was pregnant.


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