Part 1: Sasquatch That Can’t Be Killed with Bullets and Disappear in A Flash of Light.

“Until he passed away, the farmer's son told me that he'd never forget how that large 8-foot-tall Bigfoot creature with those glowing green eyes kept looking back and staring at him as he's firing live ammo into it. And he said there was no evidence that it was injured in any way!

- Stan Gordon, UFO Anomalies Zone website


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Silent, Stationary White “Orbs” in Utah and Colorado

“Some people who saw them over Breckinridge said the white objects
formed triangles and a line. But on our camera, it seemed the objects
did not move at all ... for as long as five to fifteen minutes without moving
an inch on our viewscreen in the camera. And then you would see a flash
of light and they would take off across the edge of the (Baldy) mountain ridge.”

- Colorado KUSA-TV 9news Reporter Matt Renoux in Breckinridge, CO


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SERPO Part 2:  More About “Hostile Alien Visitors” in Pres. Ronald Reagan Briefing

“We call the hostile aliens simply that, HAV,  meaning Hostile Alien Visitors. MJ-12 placed that code on them back in the 1950s.”

- March 1981 Alleged SERPO Briefing for Pres. Ronald Reagan at Camp David


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SERPO Part 1: Retired AFOSI Agent Describes Face-to-Face with Non-Human “Grey.” Which “Blonds” Are Camouflaged Insects?

“At the moment of eye contact with that Grey,
it was like seven different feature films started rapidly
running through my mind all at the same time with sound, temperature,
touch and 3-dimensional gold symbols superimposed over the films.”

- Retired AFOSI Agent


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 Part 2 – Military High Strangeness in Jordan?

“There was one cow isolated from the rest of the bunch that was near
the fence near our car. The glowing disc hovered over the cow and a beam of white light came down and enveloped the cow.”

- "Howard," Summer 1995, Orlando, Florida


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Part 1 – Military High Strangeness in Jordan?


The Testament of Amram, Manuscript B, Dead Sea Scrolls, translated by Prof. Robert Eisenman:

“I saw Watchers in my vision, the dream-vision. Two men were fighting over me ... holding a great contest over me. I asked them, 'Who are you, that you are thus empowered over me?' They answered, 'We have been empowered and rule over all mankind.' They said to me, 'Which of us do you choose to rule you?'

I raised my eyes and looked. One of them was terrifying in his appearance, like a serpent, his cloak, many-colored yet very dark. ...And I looked again, and in his appearance, his visage like a viper. ...I replied to him, 'This Watcher, who is he?' He answered, 'This Watcher ... his three names are Belial and Prince of Darkness and King of Evil.'

I said (to the other Watcher), 'My lord, what dominion (have you?)' He answered, 'You saw (the viper), and he is empowered over all Darkness, while I (am empowered over all Light.) ... My three names are Michael, Prince of Light and King of Righteousness.’”


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Part 5:  Dulce and Dropa Stones

“I do understand that at one point there was a faction of Greys
at Dulce that left Dulce, and those are the Dropas of Tibet and China.”

- Anthony F. Sanchez, author, UFO Highway


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Part 4:  Dulce, LEONID and “Alien Weapon Determinant”

“We are also talking about an AI, artificial intelligence system,
that was given to us by Greys — just one of their gifts to us.”

- Anthony F. Sanchez, Computer Engineer and Author UFO Highway


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Part 3:  Muroc Field Researchers Allegedly Found Eloah Grey Vast Underground Facility in 1940

Twenty-two miles (35 km) northeast of Lancaster, California, is a flat, dry lake bed that has evolved from the 1930s Army Air Corps's Muroc Field to a re-naming as Edwards Air Force Base in December 1949.
Twenty-two miles (35 km) northeast of Lancaster, California, is a flat, dry lake bed that has evolved from the 1930s Army Air Corps's Muroc Field to a re-naming as Edwards Air Force Base in December 1949.

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