Huge Hexagram Crop Formation in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada

 Red Deer and Lacombe are about 100 miles south of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, a larger city which has also had several crop formations in its fields since the late 1990s.
Red Deer and Lacombe are about 100 miles south of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, a larger city which has also had several crop formations in its fields since the late 1990s.

September 22, 2001 Red Deer, Alberta, Canada - Last Sunday, September 16, 2001, the largest crop formation in Canadian history was discovered in a wheat field about six kilometers east of Red Deer, Alberta. Red Deer is south of Edmonton. The farmer, 73-year-old Ken Bickford, became aware of the pattern as his combine moved next to a large central circle. Later Mr. Bickford told a newspaper reporter that in 60 years of farming he has “never seen anything remotely like it.” The ripe spring wheat had been flattened in a hexagram pattern of two overlapping triangles. Each triangle point had a circle at the tip and a large, seventh circle at the center of the hexagram measured 100 feet in diameter. The whole hexagram at its longest measured 422 feet in diameter. Ken Bickford looked for evidence of shoe tracks or other evidence, but could not find any.


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