Nine Unidentified Aerial Objects Tracked at 8,000 mph on 1952 Radar

The black circle includes the area 60 miles north of Dallas, Texas where Perrin AFB in 1952 was an Air Training Command base.
The black circle includes the area 60 miles north of Dallas, Texas where Perrin AFB in 1952 was an Air Training Command base.

January 19, 2002 Tucson, Arizona - Chandler Yergin is 68 and retired in Tucson, Arizona after a professional career in electronics, satellites, missile and radar systems. That career grew out of his 1951 enlistment in the U. S. Air Force at seventeen with his parents' approval. After basic training, Airman Yergin spent nine months learning electronic fundamentals and advanced radar sets. His first assignment was to work on the construction of a Long Range Early Warning Radar installation at Perrin AFB sixty miles north of Dallas, Texas, one of America's Air Training Command (ATC) bases.


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