Part 1 – “Huge Saucer Armada” Shocked Farmington, New Mexico 52 Years Ago

 Farmington and Aztec, New Mexico 100 air miles northwest of the Los Alamos National Laboratory where the atomic bomb was secretly developed in the 1940s. Espanola, the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation, Chama, Tierra Amarilla and Dulce are all areas where many unusual bloodless, trackless animal mutilations have also been reported since the 1960s.
Farmington and Aztec, New Mexico 100 air miles northwest of the Los Alamos National Laboratory where the atomic bomb was secretly developed in the 1940s. Espanola, the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation, Chama, Tierra Amarilla and Dulce are all areas where many unusual bloodless, trackless animal mutilations have also been reported since the 1960s.

March 16, 2002  Farmington, New Mexico - Fifty-two years ago on St. Patrick's Day March 17, 1950, citizens in Farmington, New Mexico - then a community of 5,000 people - reported that hundreds of strange, round aerial craft flew over town, seeming to dogfight and play tag at extremely rapid speeds that included 90-degree turns. There were reportedly several waves of fly-overs, including both shiny silver discs and red-orange objects as well. The next day on March 18, 1950, the Farmington Daily Times topped its front page with a large headline that read:


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