Part 3: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report IV – Fatal Encounter At Ft. Dix-McGuire

© January 1985 by Leonard H. Stringfield
With permission, reprinted in © 2005 by Linda Moulton Howe.

McGuire AFB and Fort Dix Military Reservation near Wrightstown, New Jersey, are near the U. S. Naval Air Station in Lakehurst, New Jersey. The bases are about 45 miles east of Philadelphia, 50 miles south of New York City, 60 miles north of Atlantic City and 10 miles west of the Atlantic ocean. The Fort Dix / McGuire Air Force Base / Lakehurst Naval Air Station complex covers 42,000 acres.
McGuire AFB and Fort Dix Military Reservation near Wrightstown, New Jersey, are near the U. S. Naval Air Station in Lakehurst, New Jersey. The bases are about 45 miles east of Philadelphia, 50 miles south of New York City, 60 miles north of Atlantic City and 10 miles west of the Atlantic ocean. The Fort Dix / McGuire Air Force Base / Lakehurst Naval Air Station complex covers 42,000 acres.

Click back to Part I, Status Report IV

To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 3 of Status Report IV, written for the June 28-30, 1985, MUFON 1985 UFO Symposium Proceedings in conjunction with the national MUFON conference held in Saint Louis, Missouri. The series of status reports, I through VII, were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Previous Status Report V begins at Earthfiles 012805. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994.

Leonard H. Stringfield: "The document is avowedly not proof. For it to be established as bona fide would, in turn, require additional irretrievable reports, memoranda, tapes, ad infinitum. In this regard, however, Morse said on several occasions that he had attempted to obtain a later Form 1569 Report mentioned by the desk sergeant, but was unsuccessful. Nevertheless, the Incident/Complaint Report, as it stands, is a strong link of evidence not easily dismissed, even if denied officially or by any of its named personnel who might be coerced to do so. (Note 4: See Incident Complaint Report, Item 11, where the box for 'Unfounded' is checked. Inasmuch as 'Unfounded' suggests that the incident was baseless, I asked Morse to explain this classification. He said that it referred only to the limited information available to his security police squadron, which was not in a position to evaluate the incident. Also note that the check in Item 13 indicates that the case was referred to 'Other agency' (AFOSI - Air Force Office of Special Investigations) for final disposition, including 'One body of unknown origin ...' released to other authorities. The security police squadron had no basis for any other 'Evaluation.'


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