Return to Part 1
January 26, 2007 Tappen, North Dakota – Five days after the traumatic encounter with non-human entities, which dragged away the dead pet sow, Evan agreed to undergo hypnosis to see if he could remember more details. The hour and nineteen minute hypnosis session at the Briese home in Tappen with Evan (E) was conducted on September 16, 2006, by Craig R. Lang, Certified Hypnotherapist from Brooklyn Center, Minnesota (H). In addition to the Briese family, others in attendance were Richard Moss and Lorna Hunter of Minnesota MUFON (Mutual UFO Network). After a long relaxation process, Mr. Lang took Evan back to the time after midnight on September 11, 2006, when he woke up and the events unfolded.
“E: I’ve got to go to the bathroom and I have a dry throat.
H: Let’s continue. What’s happening next?
E: I’m getting out of bed. I’m grabbing onto the bars of the top bunk and pull myself out. I’m getting up and walking downstairs to the sink and reach for a glass and grab one and look out the window. I see something, a couple of things run into the corral. They are moving fast.
H: I want to pause for a moment here. When I touch you on the shoulder, that means like hitting a pause button on a video. You’re looking out the window. Please continue, what is happening next?
E: I see a couple of things go into the corral. I’m wondering what they are? Maybe deer coming to feed again? I’m going to put on my shoes. I’ve got both of them on. I’m grabbing my jacket, throwing that on and walking to the door. I open up the door and go outside and walk into the shop door. I’m grabbing my gun. I pick it up and open it up to see if there is anything (shots) in it.
H: How do you feel grabbing your gun?
E: It’s nothing.
H: It’s just something you normally do?
E: Yes. I open it up to see if there are any cartridges there. There’s none, so I grab four or five and shove them into my pocket and I slide one in (the gun) and now I’m closing it. I’m walking up to the corral. Can hear a pig. I wonder what’s going on?
H: OK, please continue.
E: Leaning against the windbreak (metal sheeting walls) and I’m looking around the corner. There’s about four things standing in there. There’s two in the back – no, there’s three in the back. And one’s dragging the pig. The other one’s helping him. They are dragging it. The other two grab it.
I’m jumping over the edge of the pen right now.
H: How do you feel as you are jumping over?
E: Mad.
H: OK, please continue.
E: I’m pulling out my gun and cocking back the hammer and shot one in the side. It hurt him. He’s limping around now. Something reaches up from behind me, grabs me, going down.
H: You’re going down? OK, please continue. How do you feel?
E: I’m getting back up and don’t feel anything. Getting back up and there’s nothing there. There’s a hole in the windbreak (two panels knocked down). I’m opening up the gun right now to reload. Pull out the empty shell. I slide another one in. Now I’m thinking I’m going to go to Trista’s and Billy’s house because they are closest. I’m going out of the pen and I’m running down to the trees to see if I can see anything. There’s nothing. I’m going up Trista’s steps and opening up the door. Billy’s on the couch. Trista’s sitting in a chair and (name) is sitting on the floor. They are all in shock. Trista is yelling at me, ‘What’s going on?’
H: Shock?
E: Because I said, ‘They took her! They took her!’ She (Trista) asked who took her and I said, ‘They took her!’ My shirt is all torn.
(32:15) – Second return to beginning in bed
H: I’m going to pause you here and let’s go back to the beginning again. Go back to the beginning when you are still asleep in your bed and add any additional detail that comes to mind. You can feel yourself going even deeper into the daydream state. Let’s go back to the beginning of the event again and add any additional detail that comes to mind. What’s happening now?
E: I’m in bed, grabbing onto the bars to pull myself out. I’m going on the floor and going down the stairs, opening up the door and go to the sink. I’m looking around for a glass and I grab a glass on the front of the window and a couple of things are running into the corral. I’m wondering what they are? Probably deer stealing my feed. I’ve got to get my shoes. Got my shoes on. I grab my jacket and am heading out the door and go out the door, go off the steps and go out to the shop. Open the door, walk in, grab my gun, open her up to see if there is anything in it. I get four or five shells and slide one in and walk out the door. I’m walking and I hear the pigs rustling. I’m running, I’m running.
H: Please continue.
E: I’m against the windbreak. I’m looking around the corner and there are four, black, tall, skinny things standing in there. Two of them are dragging my pig to the other two. She is lifeless. They are working at it. I jump around the edge of the pen and I fire a shot at the one. It hurts and he’s limping around.
Now something is reaching up from behind me and throws me down.
H: Pause there for a moment. Something reaches up and throws you down? What’s happening when you’re thrown down?
E: I can’t see it. They came up from behind me. I can feel its arm come around me.
H: Imagine you can just put that into slow motion and tell me what’s happening, frame-by-frame, as if you are watching a movie slowed down on a VCR or something like that. Imagine you can play it frame-by-frame and what’s the next thing that’s happening?
E: Hitting the ground. I don’t remember after that.
H: You can allow yourself if you want, just allow that daydream state to remember, as if it were a camera observing, just allowing that daydream state as if it were a camera observing. Tell me what the very next thing is that’s happening on the ground.
E: Getting back up. And I see my gun lying beside me, so I grab it and open it up and pull the shell out. I put a new one (shell) in.
H: I’m going to pause you right here. You are holding the gun, or you see it beside you and you grab it. I’m going to invite you to back up just a little bit and see what happened just before that, like you can go one frame in reverse in the movie, just before that and tell me what’s happening.
E: I’m lying down on the ground looking up around to see if there’s anything else out there. There’s nothing.
H: How do you feel at this point?
E: Fear.
H: Fear? Can you tell me more about that fear?
E: Fear that they brought more of them (non-human entities).
H: OK, just allow yourself to relax there for a moment, allow yourself to be lying there for a moment. Just imagine you can move the movie back one more frame and tell me what’s happening.
E: They are all staring at me in fear. They are scared of me.
H: Where are you right now?
E: Standing in front of them looking at them. They are kind of telling me that they don’t want anything to do with me. (long pause)
H: Allow the movie to back up one more frame and tell me what’s happening.
E: One’s limping around because I shot him. He’s holding its side.
H: What else do you notice?
E: The other ones are standing looking at me in fear, still. They are staring back because they don’t want to – they are not here to fight with me.
H: What language are they speaking?
E: They are not speaking – body language kind of. They are kind of bowing.
H: What did their voices sound like?
E: They don’t really have a voice. They don’t have a voice. They are just kind of bowing at me. Kind of kneeling.
[ Editor’s Note: About the above reference to “bowing at me. Kind of kneeling.” In July 1984, I was investigating a human abduction case that occurred the week before Thanksgiving 1980. A husband and wife had been driving north of Denver, Colorado, when suddenly a “cerulean blue light” surrounded them in their car and they lost about an hour of time. In separate hypnosis sessions with social scientist, hypnotherapist and UFO researcher, Richard Sigismund, each told what happened aboard an egg-shaped craft in which there was one very tall, “handsome” being in a sparkling blue garment. There was at least one other shorter grey entity that neither man nor woman liked. The wife also saw many red-hooded, smaller figures. After a vaginal and breast exam by “metal-like tentacles,” the woman was furious and screaming obscenities at the non-humans.
Later in a discussion after hypnosis, the wife said that the tall being “perceived my anger and said, ‘We didn’t mean to hurt you … something like it was for a good purpose.’ And I said, ‘Nobody asked me,’ and something about ‘means don’t necessarily justify the end.’ And he said, ‘Perhaps.'” Then she thought the tall being took her into a room where “these people all have their heads bowed at me. And I’m thinking, ‘He’s trying to make me feel good and I’m not necessarily going to buy it.'” For more about the Colorado abduction story and several color drawings, see my book, An Alien Harvest © 1989 in the Earthfiles Shop. ]
H: Let’s back up just another frame. Allow the movie to play just one more frame earlier and tell me what’s happening.
E: Running to the spot where I’m going to fire from. One is holding my pig – the two are holding my pig. I can see them dragging her.
H: What’s happening next?
E: I’m running up and I pull up the gun with my hand and point it at the one that’s closest to me that is dragging the pig with the other one. I fire a shot into its side.
H: Please continue. What’s happening next?
E: The other three that aren’t hurt are kneeling to me.
H: What happened next? Just allow it to go in slow motion.
E: Something puts its arm around me. Coming around my right side. Now it’s grabbing me by the shirt. And it’s pulling up and it’s tripping me. It’s holding on to my shirt the whole way down. And at the end (of fingers), they are big and sharp.
H: Can you see the hand?
E: Yeah.
H: What do they look like?
E: Long fingers.
H: Are there five fingers?
E: Yeah. The thumb is almost as long as their other fingers.
H: How many fingers do you see?
E: Five.
H: Or are there 6? Or 4? Or 3?
E: Five. Looks like there might be another one on the other side. And they’ve got like spikes on them.
H: I’m going to invite you to fix that image of the hand and fix that image of the being in your mind and later on you can sketch them. Just imagine like there is a camera in your mind and it can snap a picture just now, click! And it snaps a picture. Later on, I can ask – even when you come out of trance – can ask that camera to draw the picture. Do you think you can do that?
E: Yes.
H: Great, snap a picture of the being and snap a picture of the hand and just Click! Click! You can re-draw them later. That’s great. So, what’s happening next?
E: I’m going down on the ground. I hit the ground and go flat on my hand.
H: How do you feel at this point?
E: Nothing.
H: Nothing because you feel?
E: I’m hitting the ground.
H: How does it feel to hit the ground?
E: It’s just like hitting rock or something. It’s just falling down, except that I’m hitting my head really hard against something.
H: What’s happening next?
E: Now, I’m getting back up. I’m grabbing my gun.
H: I’m going to pause you here again and imagine you can step back into that space between the time that you fall and the time you are getting up. Let’s imagine you can step into that space. Maybe there is, or maybe there is not, something in between there. If there is not, that’s OK.
E: Nothing.
H: There’s nothing there? OK. If you could see yourself from above, what would you look like right then? What would you see?
E: I don’t think I would see anything.
H: If you could imagine you are floating above yourself, looking at yourself, there just after you fall, just after you hit your head, what would you see?
E: Think I’m knocked out. Hit my head on something.
H: What’s happening next?
E: I get back up. I’m looking for my gun and I get back up and I pick up my gun. I’m opening it up. I’m pulling the empty shell out. I’m putting a new one in. I’m closing it and pulling the hammer back. Now I’m thinking of going to Trista’s because it’s the closest house. So, I’m running over the pen, through the trees, and I don’t see anything. But I’m still looking. I’m going to Trista’s house and I’m going up the steps. Open up the door. Billy is sitting on the couch and (name) is sitting on the floor.
H: I’m going to pause you for a moment. Can you tell what time it is right now? Can you see a clock anywhere?
E: No.
H: Is there a clock in that room?
E: No.
H: Do you know what time it is right now as you’re just entering the house (Trista’s)?
E: 2 a.m., I think.
H: What tells you it’s 2 a.m.?
E: That’s what Trista’s phone said when I picked it up to talk to Dad.
H: That’s pretty accurate then. So, you pick up Trista’s phone?
E: She gives it to me. I’m looking to see who’s on it and it says Dad on there.
H: So you pick up the phone and call your Dad?
E: Trista is picking the phone up to call Dad.
(48:12) Third time back to the beginning
H: Let’s go back to the beginning again. Allow yourself to go even deeper. Take a few deep, gentle breaths. Take a break for a moment to touch your finger to your thumb and feel that feeling of being at your brother’s birthday party again. Just allow yourself to take a little mental break – just touch your finger and thumb and be at your brother’s birthday party again. Just allow yourself to enjoy being there for a moment. Feel better?
E: Yes.
H: OK, I’m going to invite you to go back to your bedroom, back in your bed. Are you asleep at this point?
E: No, I’m awake. I’m’ getting out of my bed. Grabbing the bars and pulling myself up.
H: What do you feel at this point?
E: Nothing. Just got to go to the bathroom and I need a drink of water.
H: Is that clock anywhere in the bathroom or anywhere in your room?
E: Not even looking at the clock.
H: Is there a clock anywhere in there, do you know?
E: In the kitchen.
H: In the kitchen – can you see it?
E: Yeah, I can see it when I come down stairs.
H: OK, as you look at the clock, can you tell me what it is?
E: I didn’t look at it. I looked at it, yeah, but I really could not tell what time it was.
H: I’m going to allow you to pause there for a moment and allow that camera to look for a moment. And if you can see the clock, just let yourself see what it is.
E: 1:20 a.m. (September 11, 2006)
H: OK, you’re doing great. Just allow the next thing to happen.
E: I want to get a drink of water. Thirsty. I’m looking around for a glass. I grab one. I see something going into the corral. I think it’s deer because they are always coming in and stealing my feed. I put my shoes on. Get my shoes on. Grab my jacket and put it on and run out to the door. Open up the door and run out to the shop. Open up that door and grab my .22 and open it up to see if there’s anything in it. There’s nothing in it so I grab about four shells and I put one in.
H: You grab four shells and put one in?
E: Put four shells in my hand, yeah.
H: Do you put one of the four in?
E: Yes, one of the four in. I shove the other three in my pocket.
H: Are you wearing your jacket at this point?
E: Yeah.
H: Is your jacket open or closed?
E: It’s open.
H: What’s happening next?
E: I’m running, or walking, up to the pigpen up there and I hear the pigs messing around. So I take off running. I’m getting to the windbreak here pretty soon. I’m against the windbreak. Peeking around the corner. I see four things standing there. Two are struggling to drag the pig and the other two are standing back kind of watching.
H: I’ll pause you here for a moment. Can you see the pig at this point?
E: Yeah.
H: What does the pig look like?
E: Dead.
H: Can you tell me anything else you notice about the pig?
E: She’s just dead. There’s no life.
H: OK, please continue.
E: They drag her and roll her over to the other two and they both grab on one arm (pig leg). And I shot the one that was closest to me that was dragging her (sow). And he grabs on his side and starts limping around and the other three are kind of kneeling to me. (long pause)
H: OK, please continue.
E: Something is reaching around me. And they’re staring at me. Something grabs me by the shirt. Its hand is real big and it’s got claws on the end kind of. And it grabs me by the shirt and throws me down, holding onto my shirt on the way down.
H: Please continue.
E: I’m falling down on the ground and I hit something with the back of my head. It just seems black. I’m getting back up again.
H: Can you tell me what you feel now as you are getting back up?
E: Freaked out. Scared. Fear.
H: How does your head feel?
E: Hurts.
H: Can you describe that hurt feeling?
E: Like my brain is two sizes too big for my head. It just hurts. Feels like my brain is swelled up, or something.
H: What’s happening next then?
E: I’m looking around for my gun from the time I was getting up. I find it and pick it up, open it up and pull the empty shell out and put a new one in. Close it.
H: What’s happening next?
E: Now I’m running down to Trista’s and Billy’s house because it’s the closest place.
H: What’s happening next?
E: I’m looking up in the trees to see if there is anything out there. Pointing my gun out there to make sure. Then I’m running and get to their steps and run up their steps and open up the door and they are all laying on the couch and chair and floor.
H: Is that where they normally lay? Or is that unusual?
E: That’s where they normally lay.
H: I’m going to invite you to be standing just outside the corral again. You have your gun up and you are pointing it at the one guy in the corral. You see the guy real clearly, the being real clearly. Look real clearly. What’s the feeling you get when you look at him?
E: Hatred.
H: Can you tell me what the source of that hatred is?
E: They are stealing our pig.
H: Stealing your pig, that’s a good reason. As you look at them, allow that being to burn in, to allow yourself to very clearly remember that. Is this the first time you have seen them?
E: Yes.
H: Is this the first time you’ve ever experienced anything like this?
E: Yes.
H: You’re doing very good. Just imagine that you can see the whole experience as if it were like a book or movie or something like that. And experience everything at the same time – and what’s the feeling that you get from it?
E: Hatred for them.
H: You feel hatred for them. What else do you feel?
E: Fear that they will come back again.
H: Imagine that you could do one thing that would help you to either make you feel better or maybe even make them not come back. Whatever it is you could do, what would it be?
E: Kill them.
H: Kill them. OK, I’m going to invite you to come back to the present moment now sitting on your couch in your living room. Looking back on that event, how do you feel about that now? You’re still very relaxed, very deep, still in the daydream state. But your daydream is now taking you back to this particular moment. What do you feel about what you see looking back on that now?
E: Still hatred.
H: Still hatred. OK. What else do you feel?
E: Just hate them.
H: They really pissed you off, didn’t they? Steal your pigs and knock you down and out. Really pisses you off, doesn’t it?
E: Yeah.
H: You feel like you would if some bullies are picking on somebody?
E: Yeah, kind of.
H: You’re kind of protective of them (pigs), aren’t you? How do you feel about the whole thing now, as you are sitting in the living room? Are you comfortable sitting here? Do you feel like you understand things a little better?
E: Yeah.
H: I’m going to invite you to touch your finger to your thumb again and let’s go back to your brother’s birthday party and allow that feeling to completely fill you. Would you like to go back to another time, to maybe the thing you saw back in April (April 6, 2006)? Would you like to look at that one, too?
E: No.
H: That’s fine. Maybe we’ve done enough for one day. Would you like to come back out now?
E: Yeah.
H: OK, allow yourself to come back and touch that finger to your thumb. Feel that feeling of being at your brother’s birthday party. I’m going to invite you to come back to the present day and present time. How old are you now?
E: Sixteen.
H: What’s the date? It’s September 16, 2006?
E: Yeah.
H: So how old are you?
E: Sixteen.
H: And what’s the date?
E: September 16th.
H: OK, you are really solidly here in your living room, still very relaxed and comfortable, allowing that feeling of happiness as you touch your finger to your thumb, knowing that friends are here. Your Dad’s not very far away just listening to you. You feel very comfortable and secure about that, don’t you?
E: Yeah.
(Mr. Lang brings Evan out of hypnosis.)
H: Can I ask you to sketch?
Torrey: Are you OK with that now, Evan?
E: Yeah.
(drawing entity)
H: What color are the eyes?
E: Black.
H: Solid black? OK.
E: And lifeless.
H: As you looked at them, did you get any sense or feeling?
E: No.
H: Any kind of emotion?
E: Pissed.
H: You or them?
E: Me. I remember they were scared of me. They tried to bow or kneel to me. That one reached up from behind me – got feelers in their hands.
Their torso is long and thin, too. Their legs were kind of funny. Next to their torso, it’s a bit bigger down at the bottom. They filled out more in the abdomen. (sketching) And their legs came out long and thin. I didn’t really see their feet, so I can’t get any good sketch of their feet.
H: How tall is that one?
E: About 7 feet.
H: They are taller than you?
E: They aren’t as tall as I thought they were.
H: How tall are they relative to you?
E: They were taller than me. Maybe three or four inches taller than me. …There are five now. One came from behind me.
(confusion about whether any of entities might have been floating above ground)
H: How far was it from here to here?
E: They were different heights.
H: The different beings were different heights?
E: They were different heights just like humans. (some taller and some shorter)
The biggest one was the one that I shot.
H: Now, the one you shot – it was bigger. How big were the other ones?
E: Probably the biggest one was probably about 6 feet 11 inches. (7 feet)
H: Is that the height as it was levitating?
E: That’s the height that I seen it.
H: How big were the other ones?
E: Probably 6’ 2” for one of them and 6’ 3” for the other one. The two big ones were moving the pig around.
Torrey: What did they do to that pig?
E: I didn’t see that.
Torrey: Was she fighting?
E: She was dead. Looking back, I was so shook up I thought they were killing her.
H: Can you draw the hand?
E: Just like our hand, you know what I mean, but they were all curved here and everything. …The thumb was probably this long here and really pointed. There’s like a spike or something at the end and came down here. (Evan says, “This is kind of a bad sketch.”)
E: The claws looked like they were metal. … They were curved around like this, sort of like hooks.
H: Metallic spikes, sort of like fish hooks?
E: Yeah. However they were made, they were made for hooking something like that (sow). Yeah, like fish hooks, … they were curved like talons. Like if you were to grab on to somebody like – I’ll pretend on Richard here, for a second. Like you were going to grab on to somebody. All they’d have to do is hook their fingers down on you like that and I’d have the hooks dug into your hands and could pull you.”
More Information:
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If viewers have more information about conscious encounters with non-human entities and unidentified aerial craft and/or animal mutilations, please email me: [email protected].
For further information about worldwide animal mutilations, please see reports below in the Earthfiles Archives and my books, An Alien Harvest and the 2-volume Glimpses of Other Realities, in the Earthfiles Shop.
- 11/24/2006 — Scientific Data Supports Mutilated Montana Cow Dropped from Sky and Bounced
- 10/19/2006 — Another Cattle Mutilation in Pondera County, Montana
- 10/02/2006 — Unusual Deaths of Six Female Goats in White Salmon, Washington
- 09/20/2006 — Animal Mutilations Increase Again in Argentina
- 09/20/2006 — Updated: Three Sets of Concentric Rings in South Texas Field
- 08/23/2006 — More Cat and Dog Mutilations
- 07/01/2006 — Cattle Mutilation and Glowing Discs in Saskatchewan, Canada
- 06/29/2006 — Another Horse Suspended in the Air
- 06/28/2006 — Half Cats in Destin, Florida, and Beheaded Animals in Rochester, N. Y.
- 06/01/2006 — Recent Cattle Mutilations in Kiowa County, Colorado
- 04/28/2006 — Modern Warfare Applied to Extra-Terrestrial Invasion
- 04/03/2006 — Genetic Harvest in Cimarron, New Mexico?
- 02/27/2006 — Part 4: Military Voices Reply About Government Interaction with UFOs
- 01/27/2006 — Part 2: Navy Physicist and USAF Geophysicist Discuss UFOs and ETs
- 01/13/2006 — 31st Cattle Mutilation on Red Bluff, California Ranch
- 11/02/2005 — Part 3: Unusual Animal Deaths -Sheep Mutilations in Moortown, Dartmoor, England
- 10/30/2005 — Updated Part 2: Unusual Animal Deaths – Another Half Cat Mutilation in San Antonio, Texas
- 10/27/2005 — Updated Part 1: Unusual Animal Deaths – 22 Horses and 1 Burro Near Calhan, Colorado
- 10/22/2005 — A Lifting Beam Technology in Colorado Human Abduction
- 10/03/2005 — 2005 Horse Mutilation in France
- 09/15/2005 — Animal Mutilations Reported in Switzerland, Hollywood and Kansas
- 08/26/2005 — Another Cattle Mutilation in Canada
- 08/22/2005 — More Half Cat Reports: San Jose and Seattle
- 08/13/2005 — Mystery of Bloodless, Decapitated Kangaroos in Melbourne, Australia
- 08/11/2005 — Part 4: Two Men See Cow Mutilated in Light Beam
- 08/03/2005 — Another Cattle Mutilation in Pondera County, Montana
- 08/02/2005 — Part 1: Anomalies Confirmed in Pennsylvania and Arizona Randomly Downed Crops
- 07/28/2005 — Feedback on Half Cat Mystery
- 07/14/2005 — More Half Cat Mutilations in Seattle, Washington Region
- 07/07/2005 — Part 2: Eyewitness Description of Cattle Mutilation
- 07/04/2005 — Part 1: Eyewitness Description of Cattle Mutilation
- 06/23/2005 — More Than 3,000 Unusual Animal Deaths Reported in Argentina and Chile Since 2002
- 06/17/2005 — Unusual Cow Death in Paradise Hill, Saskatchewan, Canada
- 04/13/2005 — Strange Dog Death in Arkansas; 2000-Pound Bull Dropped On Log Pile and Calf Skinned
- 02/21/2005 — Updated – Bull and Cow Mutilations Northwest of Corpus Christi, Texas
- 01/15/2005 — Bull and Cow Mutilations Northwest of Corpus Christi, Texas
- 12/22/2004 — Part 2: “Reasons Why U.S. Government CAN’T Release Truth About UFOs!”
- 12/22/2004 — Part 1: “Reasons Why U.S. Government CAN’T Release Truth About UFOs!”
- 12/10/2004 — Part 3: “Peculiar Phenomena,” V-2 Rockets – and UFOB Retaliation?
- 12/10/2004 — Part 4: “Peculiar Phenomena,” V-2 Rockets – and UFOB Retaliation?
- 12/07/2004 — Part 2: “Peculiar Phenomena,” V-2 Rockets – and UFOB Retaliation?
- 12/04/2004 — Part 1: “Peculiar Phenomena,” V-2 Rockets – and UFOB Retaliation?
- 09/25/2004 — Part 6: “Clearview” Report on the Investigation of UFO Experiences on A Rocky Mountain Ranch
- 09/23/2004 — Part 5: “Clearview” Report on the Investigation of UFO Experiences on A Rocky Mountain Ranch
- 09/19/2004 — Part 4: “Clearview” Report on the Investigation of UFO Experiences on A Rocky Mountain Ranch
- 09/18/2004 — Part 3: “Clearview” Report on the Investigation of UFO Experiences on A Rocky Mountain Ranch
- 09/14/2004 — Part 2: “Clearview” Report on the Investigation of UFOExperiences on A Rocky Mountain Ranch
- 09/13/2004 — Part 1: “Clearview” Report on the Investigation of UFO Experiences on A Rocky Mountain Ranch
- 08/11/2004 — Newborn Heifer Mutilation in Anderson, California, on August 7, 2004
- 07/27/2004 — Part 12: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum – Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
- 07/21/2004 — The Apollo Program, Cape Canaveral and UFOs
- 02/24/2004 — Part 1: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum – Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
- 01/24/2004 — Oregon Man’s Experiences with High Strangeness
- 12/21/2003 — Part 4 – UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield
- 10/28/2003 — Part 2 – U. S. Presidents and UFO Investigations
- 09/12/2003 — More Domestic Cat Mutilations – Again in Bothell, Washington
- 08/01/2003 — Field Notes About English Animal Mutilations
- 07/01/2003 — 40 Small Animal Mutilations in Denver and 11 in Salt Lake City
- 05/28/2003 — Cat and Dog Mutilations in Salt Lake City; $6,500 Reward
- 04/19/2003 — Unusual Animal Deaths in Valparaiso, Nebraska
- 03/08/2003 — Cattle Mutilation – The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 3, Part Two
- 02/03/2003 — Cattle Mutilation – The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 3, Part One
- 12/07/2002 — Cattle Mutilation – The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 1, Part Three
- 11/16/2002 — More Cat and Cow Mutilations: Colorado, Utah and Missouri
- 11/05/2002 — Canadian Crop Circles and Mysterious Lights in Saskatchewan
- 10/15/2002 — Chapter 8 – Mystery Stalks The Prairie
- 10/05/2002 — Part 1 – Two Scientists Describe An Extraterrestrial Biological Entity Called “J-Rod”
- 09/07/2002 — High Strangeness Continues in Argentina
- 08/31/2002 — One ET Experiencer’s Reaction to the Winchester Formation
- 07/19/2002 — Unusual Animal Deaths and Unidentified Aerial Lights Persist in Argentina
- 07/02/2002 — Argentina’s SENASA Blames Mouse for Animal Mutilations
- 06/22/2002 — Argentina Animal Mutilation Count Rising Above 100
- 06/17/2002 — Part 3 – Deer and Cattle Mutilations in Oregon
- 06/15/2002 — Cattle Mutilations In LaPampa, Argentina
- 05/18/2002 — A Bull Mutilation in Christmas Valley, Oregon
- 01/12/2002 — Part 1 – Update On 2001 Montana Cattle Mutilations
- 10/13/2001 — Heifer Mutilation and Mysterious Light in Mantario, Saskatchewan, Canada
- 08/24/2001 — Part 2 – Unusual Montana Mutilation of Live Bull
- 07/28/2001 — Pure Hemoglobin Confirmed On Alabama Mutilated Cow
- 07/22/2001 — Mutilated Bull Calf in Missouri
- 06/09/2001 — Environmental Updates and Colt Mutilated in Leitchfield, Kentucky
- 05/11/2001 — Horse Slashings and Deaths in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
- 10/15/2000 — Part 1 – Hardened Bovine Hemoglobin Found On California Mutilated Bull
- 10/15/2000 — Mutilated Heifer Found Near Boulder, Colorado
- 04/16/2000 — A Close Encounter with a Disc in Wyoming
- 03/29/2000 — Mysterious Calf Deaths In Brothers, Oregon
- 02/06/2000 — Large Yellow Sphere In Snohomish, Washington
- 12/26/1999 — Hubble Repair, Gamma Ray Bursts and Unidentified Aerial Objects
- 12/22/1999 — Update – Unidentified “Arrowhead”-Shaped Object in California Sky
- 09/12/1999 — Unusual Animal Deaths, Part 1: Nevada
- 08/25/1999 — Unusual Animal Deaths in Australia and London, England
- 01/24/1999 — Nuclear Sabotage in Maryland; Bull Mutilation in Colorado; and Global Warming
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