“I know I read that the Ebens had also spent almost twenty years
living among the Mayans who had stepped pyramids like
the ziggurats of Sumeria.”
- "Yellow Book," Military Insider

August 30, 2007 Albuquerque, New Mexico - According to the December 1974 issue of Astronomy magazine, “The two stars that comprise the Zeta Reticuli system are almost identical to the sun. Each is classified as a G2 star, the same as our sun. They are the only known examples of two solar type stars apparently linked into a binary star system of wide separation. Zeta 1 is separated from Zeta 2 by at least 350 billion miles - almost one hundred times the sun-Pluto distance. The two suns probably require at least 100,000 years to orbit their common center of gravity. The binary stars are in the constellation Reticulum (The Net), which is 37.5 light years from our solar system. Reticulum is visible from Earth's Southern Hemisphere. Both Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 are prime candidates for the search for life beyond Earth. According to our current theories of planetary formation, they both have a retinue of planets something like our solar system.”
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