Part 3:  High Strangeness in Dundee, Oregon

“I opened the door, took a step out on the porch and heard something crashing through the woods. ...this sounded bipedal. It sounded fast.“

-Vincent Cantwell, Farmer, Dundee and Yamhill, Oregon

“I'm sure they (Bigfoot) exist.”

- Jane Goodall, Chimpanzee Expert,
NPR Science Friday, September 27, 2002


 Dundee, Oregon, marked by the map marker, is about 12 miles northeast of McMinnville and 27 miles southwest of Portland.
Dundee, Oregon, marked by the map marker, is about 12 miles northeast of McMinnville and 27 miles southwest of Portland.
The Scottish Highlands were raised on Yamhill pasture property (upper left) about 14 miles from the Dundee vineyard property (far right). McMinnville (lower left) is 12 miles southeast of Dundee. Yamhill County is where has had reports of Sasquatch sightings, including one on September 15, 2005, by a log processor. “There in the road were 2 Sasquatch standing together. I saw two Apelike, long-haired juvenile Bigfoots. They had blonde-colored coats. I would estimate their height to be 5 to 6 feet tall ... not full grown.” See Yamhill County encounter links at end of this report.
The Scottish Highlands were raised on Yamhill pasture property (upper left) about 14 miles from the Dundee vineyard property (far right). McMinnville (lower left) is 12 miles southeast of Dundee. Yamhill County is where has had reports of Sasquatch sightings, including one on September 15, 2005, by a log processor. “There in the road were 2 Sasquatch standing together. I saw two Apelike, long-haired juvenile Bigfoots. They had blonde-colored coats. I would estimate their height to be 5 to 6 feet tall ... not full grown.” See Yamhill County encounter links at end of this report.
Bagby Hot Springs, Oregon, October 31, 2009, photograph of large possible Sasquatch footprint compared to photographer's foot in shoe. Bagby Hot Springs  in the Mount Hood National Forest is about 67 miles southeast of  Dundee, Oregon. Image © 2009 by Jeff Rone, Oregon Sasquatch Search.
Bagby Hot Springs, Oregon, October 31, 2009, photograph of large possible Sasquatch footprint compared to photographer's foot in shoe. Bagby Hot Springs in the Mount Hood National Forest is about 67 miles southeast of Dundee, Oregon. Image © 2009 by Jeff Rone, Oregon Sasquatch Search.
 The purple and red marker is Bagby Hot Springs in Oregon's Mt. Hood National  Forest about 67 miles southeast of Dundee, red circle between McMinnville and Newberg.
The purple and red marker is Bagby Hot Springs in Oregon's Mt. Hood National Forest about 67 miles southeast of Dundee, red circle between McMinnville and Newberg.


Return to Part 1.

January 4, 2013  Dundee and Yamhill, Oregon - For at least 150 years, Oregon's Willamette National Forest, the Yamhill County and Willamette Valley surrounding Dundee, Mount Hood National Forest and straight west to the tidelands on the Pacific Ocean have all been places where people have reported seeing and hearing large, dark-haired Sasquatch or Bigfoot creatures, the elusive humanoids of North America.


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