Tag: aliens (44 results)

12-28-2009 - Part 1: Highly Strange X-File of Edward Leverne Moragne, Ph.D.
10-30-2009 - High Strangeness in Overton and Basingstoke, Hampshire, U. K.
11-07-2008 - U. S. Border Patrol Agent Reports Camouflaged Underground Bases in New Mexico and Beam “Swallowed Up” California Airplane
09-07-2007 - Part 3: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs
09-05-2007 - Part 2: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs
07-27-2006 - 1940s USAF Flight Surgeon’s Account of E. T. Autopsy
02-23-2006 - Huge Boomerang Craft and Blond Beings
09-25-2005 - Part 1: Retrievals of the Third Kind – A Case Study of Alleged UFOs and Occupants in Military Custody
12-22-2004 - Part 2: “Reasons Why U.S. Government CAN’T Release Truth About UFOs!” with Canadian Researcher, Grant Cameron
07-08-2004 - Part 3: Whistleblower Microbiologist Dan Burisch Interview on June 7, 2003