Tag: human abductions (10 results)

10-11-2023 - Part 3: Terry Lovelace’s Telepathic Exchange with Female Asian-Looking Humanoid
10-09-2023 - Part 2: From 1977 Abduction to Strange Metallic Implant On 2013 X-Ray
10-07-2023 - Part 1: Gigantic Triangular Craft Took Two Campers in Devil’s Den State Park, Arkansas
02-10-2021 - Part 1: Gigantic Triangular Craft Took Two Campers in Devil’s Den State Park, Arkansas
12-18-2020 - Part 3: Terry Lovelace’s Telepathic Exchange with Female Asian-Looking Humanoid
12-18-2020 - Part 2: From 1977 Abduction to Strange Metallic Implant On 2013 X-Ray
02-04-2019 - Part 3: Terry Lovelace’s Telepathic Exchange with Female Asian-Looking Humanoid
02-02-2019 - Part 2: From 1977 Abduction to Strange Metallic Implant On 2013 X-Ray
02-01-2019 - Part 1: Gigantic Triangular Craft Took Two Campers in Devil’s Den State Park, Arkansas
04-25-2014 - Part 2 CIA Investigated Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions in 1958