Y2K Nuclear Concern and Global Warming Update

December 19, 1999 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania -

1) Nuclear Power Security

While everyone is waiting for the countdown on New Year's Eve, Y2K glitches have already started to appear. Instead of the year 2000, the number 1900 has been showing up on various documents around the country. And on December 15th in Vancouver, British Columbia, a new computerized smoke alarm installed in the city's SkyTrain went off and stopped the whole system. Thousands of commuters and holiday shoppers were stranded. Ironically, the new computerized alarm was supposed to prevent Y2K shutdown problems.

Photograph of Three Mile Island nuclear power plant located in Middletown, Pennsylvania, a few miles south of Harrisburg, the state capital. On March 28, 1979, the worst commercial nuclear disaster in U. S. history occurred when a pump failed in the reactor cooling system. Nearly a million gallons of radioactive water escaped through an open valve onto the reactor building basement floor. Radioactivity was also released into the air. Photograph courtesy U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Photograph of Three Mile Island nuclear power plant located in Middletown, Pennsylvania, a few miles south of Harrisburg, the state capital. On March 28, 1979, the worst commercial nuclear disaster in U. S. history occurred when a pump failed in the reactor cooling system. Nearly a million gallons of radioactive water escaped through an open valve onto the reactor building basement floor. Radioactivity was also released into the air. Photograph courtesy U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.


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