September 24, 2003 Havana, Cuba - It was a summer day in 2000 that the first surprising side scan sonar images of what looked like architecture were seen a half mile down off the western tip of Cuba. The ocean floor there is very flat and covered with white sand. The camera was run by the Remote Operated Video control room on the "BIC Ulises" ship owned and operated by engineer and oceanographer, Paulina Zelitsky, and her husband and business partner, Paul Weinzweig co-owners of Advanced Digital Communications International, Inc. or ADC International, Inc. Paulina was born and educated in the Soviet Union and was assigned to work in Cuba. Later, after she married Paul, a Canadian citizen, ADC was based in Canada. More recently, ADC International has become an international business company incorporated in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas to conduct deep ocean bottom survey in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico.
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