September 8, 2004 Miamisburg, Ohio – On September 2, 2004, at 9 p.m. Eastern Time, Jeffrey Wilson called me on his cell phone while standing in the middle of “the most impressive corn formation” he has ever seen. Jeff, based in Cincinnati, Ohio, is Director of the Independent Crop Circle Researchers Association (ICCRA). With him was colleague Ted Robertson, (B.S. Biology, Indiana University) from Ellettsville, Indiana, who makes detailed diagrams of crop formations and who was taking photographs at the time Jeff was talking with me on the phone.
Yesterday and today, Ted sent me e-mails with one of his photographs that shows an unidentified, bright oval to the upper left in the overcast sky. Ted’s camera was an Olympus Camedia C 3000 3.3 mega pixel digital camera. Ted used its flash on the High quality setting 2048 pixels by 1536 pixels. “I see three lighter blobs in the photo. The left most is the largest and has sort of a trail. The two others are higher in the sky and almost directly over Jeff. I have sent a photo attached with these two others outlined (in black circles).”
Ted Robertson, (B.S. Biology, Indiana University), Ellettsville, Indiana:
- E-mail dated September 7, 2004:
- “Did not see these in the sky over the crop circle – but then I was not looking either.
- I did hear a rather high pitched electronic beeping sound the first evening in the crop circle. It came and went over about an hour. I taped it as it came and went. I played it to the firemen who accompanied me in the crop circle when they returned and they had not heard the sound. It was coming from the direction of the firehouse. Somewhere in the field it seemed above the crop towards the firehouse yet they heard nothing like it.
- The fire house was struck by lightning two weeks earlier and they lost their phone and radio. Also two weeks ago the high school that is nearby and owns the field decided to build the new school on that ground after choosing among other places.
- Tonight Roger called to mention that Sharon – who we met last weekend in the crop circle was there with her son later that weekend at dark and they saw and videotaped a ball, or balls of light. She said she was making a copy for Kenny Young. That and our friend, Doug, was there last Friday with his daughter at dark and he saw white flashes directly about 6 feet above the top of the corn. They were amorphous, cloud-like flashes of light that would repeat about every 2 second and then stop and then return stronger. He sensed a watchful presence and was entertained and curious, but his 10-year-old daughter became frightened and begged to leave – so they did after 10 minutes. There was no sound.
- Sincerely, Ted Robertson”
- Later on September 8, Ted wrote:
- “The image with Jeff inside was taken at the Miamisburg formation the first evening after I arrived (September 2, 2004) accompanied by the two firemen who then left after about a half hour and then while I was alone I then started to hear and record the beeping. About an hour later, Jeff entered the formation and the sound continued on and off and I had him listen and he also then heard it, too. I took the photo probably a few minutes later when he might have been talking to you on the phone.
- The diffuse light areas (oval and pale trail) – one which looks like a trail did not appear in any other photos nor do they look like ordinary tiny particulates that cause a near-lens phenomenon that some claim are orbs in the flash. This particular type of anomaly has not appeared in my photos. I don’t know what they are. Could be rain? But it was not raining. The sure way to know how near would be if I had taken them with a stereo camera, but since I don’t own one of these I can’t tell how close they are.
- My thoughts all of these accounts- the odd picture, beeping story, flashes of light when Doug and his daughter were inside and then especially the new account where someone we met – Sharon who is a MUFON investigator – she claims that she filmed and saw a BOL (ball of light). We have little details.
Most importantly we are planning to visit with the woman who said she filmed the BOL and see her video this coming Saturday.
So we are still gathering evidence about all these stories and have not really drawn any conclusions.
For example, I would like to compare the beeping tones I recorded to similar beeping noises recorded in crop circles to see if they match. Or maybe you might have any suggestions as to who might be able to compare these and do a sound spectral analysis?Jeff just called and reminded me that we have not seen the video of the possible ball of light and that we should hold off from speculation until we can actually see the video.
I try to tell the whole story as I see it, in addition to what we discover scientifically. So, the other paranormal (lights) aspect is far less definite and may take some time to sort out. As long as the readers are aware that we are not sure what these are – then that would be good.
Diagram of Miamisburg, Ohio, Corn
Formation by Ted Robertson:
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