"It is bigger than Pluto!!!"
Astronomer Michael Brown of Cal Tech wrote at his website.
"And it's not planetoid 2003EL61 announced yesterday,"
also by Brown's group.
July 30, 2005 Pasadena, California - Brown had hoped to confirm the object's size before public disclosure. But late last night at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, he made a rushed announcement after his astronomy team, including Chad Trujillo (Gemini Observatory), and David Rabinowitz (Yale University), learned that a hacker had broken into their data with the idea of making "the tenth planet" discovery public first. Beyond 2003UB313, it has no other name yet, but a "more melodious name" was submitted to the International Astronomical Union in Paris for approval. It might have "Lila" in it, since Michael Brown has a 3-week-old daughter named Lila.
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