Strange Aerial Lights, Military Knowledge and Hooded “Insects”

Red X marks the general location of Wycliffe Well, Northern Territory, Australia.
Red X marks the general location of Wycliffe Well, Northern Territory, Australia.
Alice Springs is the nearest town to the American National Security Agency (NSA) facility at the center of Australia which listens to and satellite-observes the Earth. Northward 387 kilometers (240 miles) is Wauchope. A bit south of Wauchope is Wycliffe Wells, so small that it's not printed on most maps, but is famous for unidentified aerial sightings.
Alice Springs is the nearest town to the American National Security Agency (NSA) facility at the center of Australia which listens to and satellite-observes the Earth. Northward 387 kilometers (240 miles) is Wauchope. A bit south of Wauchope is Wycliffe Wells, so small that it's not printed on most maps, but is famous for unidentified aerial sightings.

August 19, 2005  Wycliffe Well, Northern Territory, Australia - The beginning of August, a group of aboriginals living in the community of Ali Curung at the center of Australia, reported seeing a "huge orange ball" that hovered in the air for at least 20 minutes before jet fighters showed up and chased the unidentified object away.


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