More Half Cat Reports: San Jose and Seattle

Cat cut in half discovered in front yard of south San Jose, California, home, on August 16, 2005, about 4:00 PM. Photograph © 2005 by Thomas G. Holford.
Cat cut in half discovered in front yard of south San Jose, California, home, on August 16, 2005, about 4:00 PM. Photograph © 2005 by Thomas G. Holford.

August 22, 2005  San Jose, California - On August 16, 2005, I received the following email from Thomas G. Holford, a San Jose, California resident:


Today, August 16, 2005, about 4:00 PM, I was walking in a residential
neighborhood in south San Jose, California, when I noticed the remains of an
orange cat, in two pieces, on the front lawn of a home.

I was on my way to a business meeting, but stopped long enough to snap some pictures. Attached are digital photos of the scene.

On my way to the meeting, I stopped at an animal clinic and reported the incident to the staff, and they indicated that they would call animal
control. Ten minutes later, I phoned the clinic and suggested that they
might call the police and have the police secure the area. The clinic
reported that they had called animal control, and that animal control was on their way to the site.

In my quick observation of the carcass, I did not observe any blood, which suggested that the carcass may have been dropped there after the cat had been killed. Also, the fur of the cat seems to have been rather mussed up and "ungroomed".

This incident is particularly significant since San Jose had been the
location of cat mutilations several years back. [ See 100399 Earthfiles. ]

As a probably unrelated, but possibly bizarre sidelight to this incident,
the house on whose front yard the cat carcass was found was the site of a suicide several years ago. One might speculate that cultists of some sort were somehow linking the cat death to a known "death house." But this may be giving cultists to much credit for record keeping and planning.


Tom Holford
San Jose, CA


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