Dust Devils and “Lemon Rinds” on Mars

Above: Several dust devils caught by NASA's Mars Exploration Rover, Spirit, on July 13, 2005, during its exploration of the Gusev Crater. Below: Mars map, yellow arrow points in far right at the Ma'Adim Vallis dry river channel that empties into the Gusev Crater nera the Elysium Planitia region at the Martian equator. Image credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell.
Above: Several dust devils caught by NASA's Mars Exploration Rover, Spirit, on July 13, 2005, during its exploration of the Gusev Crater. Below: Mars map, yellow arrow points in far right at the Ma'Adim Vallis dry river channel that empties into the Gusev Crater nera the Elysium Planitia region at the Martian equator. Image credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell.

August 24, 2005  Pasadena, California - For twenty months now, the robotic explorer, Spirit, has been exploring the Gusev Crater on Mars, while its twin rover, Opportunity, has been exploring the Meridiana Planum. The two sites are 6,600 miles from each other in the equatorial region.


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