Part 1: Three Crop Formations Near Uffington White Horse
In the county of Oxfordshire, England, formations were reported at Wayland’s Smithy and Uffington Castle on the same day of July 8, 2006. Then a month later on August 6, 2006, another formation was reported at Blowingstone Hill in Kingston Lisle, northeast of Uffington Castle.
August 12 , 2006 Uffington, Oxfordshire, England – On July 8, 2006, four extraordinary crop formations were reported in southern England. The sequence began in Boxley near Maidstone in the county of Kent southeast of London with a “fractal snowflake.” Many investigators think this was the finest crop formation of 2006. The ground lay was fluid, like water waves.
[ Editor’s Note: In the crop formation photographs, the parallel double lines are called “tractor tramlines.” The average distance between pair of tramlines is 70 feet. ]
July 8, 2006
Boxley, near Maidstone, Kent (southeast of London)
The 2006 fractal pattern is reminiscent of the August 8, 1997, double Von Koch “fractal snowflake” that was discovered in wheat below the Milk Hill White Horse in Wiltshire, south of the Uffington White Horse. The Milk Hill fractal measured 264 feet in diameter and had 198 circles.
Wayland’s Smithy, near Ashbury, Oxfordshire (west of Uffington Castle)
The same day near the 5,500-year-old Wayland ‘s Smithy burial site near Ashbury in Oxfordshire, one of the most powerful patterns in two decades of crop glyphs was reported.
The English Heritage information plaque at Wayland’s Smithy says: “About 5,500 years ago a tomb was built on this hill-top. The oval mound was made of chalk dug from two side ditches and was edged with stone slabs. It covered a wooden chamber containing the remains of about fifteen people. The tomb may have served as a focus for ceremonies that linked the living and the dead: it may also have marked the community’s ownership of the surrounding land.
“Around 3,300 B. C. a new tomb was built on top of the earlier one, completely hiding it. The new mound was four times as long and much more regular in shape. At one end were three stone-lined burial chambers. The new tomb may have been used for several hundred years before being sealed. When the chambers were examined in 1920, they had already been ransacked, but they still contained the jumbled remains of at least eight people.
“Wayland’s Smithy got its name some four thousand years later when Saxon settlers came across the tomb. No knowing who had built it, they imagined it was the work of one of their gods, Wayland the Smith. Later, a legend grew that Wayland would re-shoe the horse of any passing traveller who left a silver penny beside the tomb.”
Tom Brown’s School Museum in Uffington dates Wayland’s Smithy to 3700-3400 B. C. and writes this about the burial mound’s history: “Wayland’s Smithy is an important neolithic chambered long barrow… Wayland, the smithy, was a god in Saxon folklore. He was apprenticed to the trolls who were masters of metal craft, but Wayland became so skillful that Gods and Kings were proud to possess his work.” After violent encounters with a Swedish king, Niduth, “Wayland flew off on wings that he had made, but before disappearing he flew over the king taunting him. Wayland was reported as living in caves and burial mounds all over Europe, with stories of his secret repairs of metal work and his casting of boulders over long distances when he was angry.”
The trapezoid-shaped burial mound was built in two phases: the first was the structure of six large sarsen stones at the southern end in front of three rock chambers. The stone structure was first excavated in the 1800s. The second phase was the long barrow extending northward beyond the sarsen rock structure for 56.4 meters (185 feet) and 13.1 meters (43 feet) wide. Fourteen bodies were found, along with three arrow heads, pottery fragments and quernstones for grinding corn.
Uffington Castle, near Ashbury, Oxfordshire (east of Wayland’s Smithy)
Not far away on the back side of the ancient and elegant Uffington White Horse was a bird-like pattern that some associated with the Celtic goddess, Rhiannon, who loved birds and white horses. Others wondered if it might relate to the “energy bird” of God’s “divine light vehicle” described in ancient Hebrew texts as the Merkabah (Mer = Light; Ka = Spirit; Ba = Body)? The focus in Part 2 of this Earthfiles report will be about a six-pointed wheat formation reported August 6, 2006, also near Uffington Castle and the White Horse, that some called a “Merkabah.”
One scientist in Australia studied the Savernake Forest crop formation and speculated the pattern might relate to astrophysical “worm hole” time travel: “A Roman ring in theoretical physics is a special combination of wormholes named after Tom Roman (Connecticut 1992).
“For one wormhole, the time difference across its mouth may not allow a closed loop through time. But for several wormholes in combination (say two or four), a closed loop through time may become possible.
“Thus an Earth-Moon wormhole whose far end lies 0.5 seconds in our past will not violate causality, since information sent to the far end by wormhole, then back again as light through space, may arrive on Earth (-0.5 + 1) = 0.5 seconds after it was transmitted.
“Yet adding a second wormhole in the opposite sense might allow information to arrive back on Earth -0.5 + (-0.5) = 1.0 seconds before it was transmitted.
The Roman ring is a very stable configuration, and the ‘chronology protection conjecture’ of (astrophysicist Stephen) Hawking does not prevent it.”
To be continued in Part 2: Third Uffington Formation – A “Merkabah”?
More Information:
For further information about worldwide crop formations, please see reports below in the Earthfiles Archives and my book Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles in the Earthfiles Shop. • 08/12/2006 — From Wiltshire to Red Alert At Heathrow Airport
07/21/2006 — U. K. Breaking Heat Records and 17 Crop Patterns Reported Between July 4 – 20
07/07/2006 — Anomalies in Huntingburg, Indiana, Wheat Pictogram
06/11/2006 — Updated: Two Mysterious Circles in Wheat Baffle Kansas Farmer
04/07/2006 — First 2006 Grass Circles in Conondale, Queensland, Australia
09/02/2005 — “Mayan Clock”? in August U. K. Crop Formations
09/02/2005 — First 2005 Canadian Crop Circles Reported
09/02/2005 — Part 2: Mysterious Lights At Coles County, Illinois, Corn Circles
09/02/2005 — Part 1: New York and Ohio Corn Circles “Flattened 2 to 5 Feet Above Ground”
08/09/2005 — Three Extraordinary U. K. Crop Formations Reported August 9, 2005
08/07/2005 — Mysterious Light Photographed in Canadian Woods
08/02/2005 — Part 2: Anomalies Confirmed in Pennsylvania and Arizona Randomly Downed Crops
08/02/2005 — Part 1: Anomalies Confirmed in Pennsylvania and Arizona Randomly Downed Crops
07/23/2005 — Mystery of Six Grass Circle Formations in North Carolina