Part 1: Rise of Fourth Reich in America?

“Without habeas corpus in the United States today, what we now have is a Fourth Reich, somebody in a position of power - the President, the Attorney General, the head of Homeland Security – can simply point a figure at you and designate you as an undesirable and hence, an enemy combatant, and they can grab you and imprison you and you don’t even get a day in court, much less a lawyer.”

- Jim Marrs, Author, The Rise of the Fourth Reich

The Rise of the Fourth Reich © 2008 by Jim Marrs, published by William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.
The Rise of the Fourth Reich © 2008 by Jim Marrs, published by William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.
Nazi Third Reich flag.
Nazi Third Reich flag.

August 1, 2008  Wise County, Texas - Recently I read a new book published in July 2008 that documents surprising links between Adolph Hitler’s Nazi Third Reich (1933 to 1945 empire) in Germany - and America’s banks, business owners, political power-brokers and wars - past and present.


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