More Strange Aerial Lights Seen Over Stephenville and Dublin, Texas

“Accounts started trickling in on Tuesday, October 21. But on Thursday and Friday, October 23 and 24, they poured in, with dozens of people claiming to see unexplainable lights across the Erath County area.”

- Stephenville Empire-Tribune


Cropped cell phone image showing two of three strange lights (middle reddish and top white), first lined up horizontally and then rotated counterclockwise to a vertical line above Henderson Junior High football field (bottom two stadium lights). Cell phone image taken on Thursday, October 23, 2008, 8:34 PM Central, from parking lot of Gilbert Intermediate School on Frey Street near Henderson in Stephenville, Texas. Image © 2008 by Brent Chambers.
Cropped cell phone image showing two of three strange lights (middle reddish and top white), first lined up horizontally and then rotated counterclockwise to a vertical line above Henderson Junior High football field (bottom two stadium lights). Cell phone image taken on Thursday, October 23, 2008, 8:34 PM Central, from parking lot of Gilbert Intermediate School on Frey Street near Henderson in Stephenville, Texas. Image © 2008 by Brent Chambers.
A triangle of three small towns (central green circles) southwest of Fort Worth begins with Stephenville, the county seat of Erath County, Texas, population about 15,000. Dublin is about eight miles southwest and has a population of 3,754. Straight east of Dublin about ten miles is Selden with a full time population of about seven. Brownwood in lower left is about 33 miles southwest of Dublin and in the flight path of jets traveling to and from the Brownwood Military Operation Area (MOA) .
A triangle of three small towns (central green circles) southwest of Fort Worth begins with Stephenville, the county seat of Erath County, Texas, population about 15,000. Dublin is about eight miles southwest and has a population of 3,754. Straight east of Dublin about ten miles is Selden with a full time population of about seven. Brownwood in lower left is about 33 miles southwest of Dublin and in the flight path of jets traveling to and from the Brownwood Military Operation Area (MOA) .

October 28, 2008  Stephenville, Texas - On Tuesday night, October 21, 2008, around 8:30 PM, Sherry Sechrist and her family noticed lights in the sky. Using her cell phone, Sherry snapped a few still images, while her mother shot some video on her cell phone. Sherry told Stephenville Empire-Tribune reporter, Whitney White-Ashley, that “the lights would flash and move up and down and side-to-side. She could hear jets buzzing around the lights, but doesn't think the jets produced the lights. ‘I'd like to know what goes in reverse,’ Sechrist said. ‘The lights would fly over and then they would stay still.’”


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