Methane Mystery On Mars

“We observed and mapped multiple plumes of methane on Mars,
one of which released about 19,000 metric tons of methane.”

- Geronimo Villanueva, Ph.D., NASA Goddard

Dark central area is region of Syrtis Major Planum, locations of Nili Fossae and Syrtis Major ancient volcano, both emission sites of methane gas plumes. Image by Hubble.
Dark central area is region of Syrtis Major Planum, locations of Nili Fossae and Syrtis Major ancient volcano, both emission sites of methane gas plumes. Image by Hubble.
Yellow circles at Nili Fossae and southeast quadrant of Syrtis Major, ancient volcano, mark where NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) have measured large quantities of methane emissions since 2003. The persistent size of methane quantities imply a continually replenishing source. Is it geological? Or biological? Map created by Alwyn Botha, www.the-planet-mars-com.
Yellow circles at Nili Fossae and southeast quadrant of Syrtis Major, ancient volcano, mark where NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) have measured large quantities of methane emissions since 2003. The persistent size of methane quantities imply a continually replenishing source. Is it geological? Or biological? Map created by Alwyn Botha, www.the-planet-mars-com.

January 25, 2009  Greenbelt, Maryland -  Methane on Mars was first detected in 1999 and 2001, and then has been measured in persistent quantities since 2003 over at least two “hot spots” in the Martian northern hemisphere shown on map above:


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