“I have tried to stand on a mature oilseed rape stem
and that plant will crack, will snap, at the base. ...There were
lots of stems in the Wilton Windmill formation flattened close to the
ground without any breakage.”
- Andrew Pyrka, Cropcircle Investigator
Return to Part 1.

Images and information by: Cropcircleconnector.com.

Images and information by: Cropcircleconnector.com

June 3, 2010 Wilton, Wiltshire, England - Two English researchers and videographers got to the Wilton Windmill formation within hours after the first report around noon on Saturday, May 22, 2010, by pilot Busty Taylor. The first one in was 44-year-old Gary King who moved from the Cardiff region to Wiltshire County two and a half years ago after being present during a night to sunup hillside nightwatch on July 7, 2007. To his astonishment, in the 3:45 AM early dawn, a large pattern with at least 150 circles was visible in the East Field when there had been no formation the day before. He had been intrigued by crop formations since 1997, but that 07-07-07 East Field event turned him into a passionate investigator. “My life has never been the same since then,” Gary told me. [ See 071407 Earthfiles in Archive.]
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