Update on Liddington Castle Barley Formation – Linked to Upcoming June 26th Lunar Eclipse?

Liddington Castle near Swindon, Wiltshire, England, reported June 2, 2010. Aerial image © 2010 by Lucy Pringle. Also information and images: Cropcircleconnector.com.
Liddington Castle near Swindon, Wiltshire, England,
reported June 2, 2010. Aerial image © 2010 by Lucy Pringle.
Also information and images: Cropcircleconnector.com.
Liddington Castle (upper left pink circle) is northeast of Avebury stone circles and Silbury Hill (center left circle). Southeast of Avebury is the Wilton Windmill (center circle). Ancient Stonehenge is bottom left circle. Left of Stonehenge, off the map to the west, is Codford St. Peter, location of June 3rd 12-fold geometry.
Liddington Castle (upper left pink circle) is northeast of Avebury stone circles and Silbury Hill (center left circle). Southeast of Avebury is the Wilton Windmill (center circle). Ancient Stonehenge is bottom left circle. Left of Stonehenge, off the map to the west, is Codford St. Peter, location of June 3rd 12-fold geometry.

June 4, 2010  Liddington Castle near Swindon, Wiltshire, England - Today I received the following email from Red Collie, an Australian scientist who collaborates with astronomer Mike Reed in the United States and other crop investigators in Italy and elsewhere. For the past few years, Red Collie finds continual references in crop formations to lunar and solar eclipses and other astronomical relationships. When he examined the June 2, 2010, circular pattern in Barley at Liddington Castle, he thinks there is a link to the upcoming June 26, 2010, partial lunar eclipse - and possibly a relationship to the Mayan Long Count calendar.


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