Final Part 12:  Private Detective’s Encounters with Non-Humans

“I think the robed beings are interested in our spiritual development, our evolution, our ability to perceive the world and be able to ascend past the physical container bodies.”

- “Joshua Rhinehall,” Pvt. Investigator, Northwest

“- a) Timeline that is chosen for genetic change. - b) 22.5 degrees radius from point of origin. Genetic altering can only be done within the zone. - c-d) Genetic material can be taken from one timeline to the other without disruption to either timeline. - e) Is the end goal of the entities genetic program. There is a unique spiritual/soul connection with all genetic/DNA material that is harvested from the specific source. When the DNA material is used for cloning/hybrid - the soul/spirit of source material can connect with the clone or hybrid - like tuning in a radio. The connection of the source to the clone can come across as a vision or lucid dream. It will be as if you are looking and living through another's eyes.”
- a) Timeline that is chosen for genetic change. - b) 22.5 degrees radius from point of origin. Genetic altering can only be done within the zone. - c-d) Genetic material can be taken from one timeline to the other without disruption to either timeline. - e) Is the end goal of the entities genetic program. There is a unique spiritual/soul connection with all genetic/DNA material that is harvested from the specific source. When the DNA material is used for cloning/hybrid - the soul/spirit of source material can connect with the clone or hybrid - like tuning in a radio. The connection of the source to the clone can come across as a vision or lucid dream. It will be as if you are looking and living through another's eyes.”

Return to Part 1.

June 16, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Recently Duncan Roads, Editor, of NEXUS Magazine in Australia, called me about an alleged U. S. intelligence operative who was assigned to read 20,000 transcript pages of highly classified transmissions decoded and received by “RAND and Associates, or RA” between 1994 and 1999.  Duncan said the operative agreed to share some of the information for the June – July 2011 NEXUS magazine and Duncan wanted to send me an advance copy for my feedback on what he had been given to publish as communication from a “parallel-universe/dimension/timeline.”


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