“The Poirino 2011 formation contains some coded information ... the outer rim contains the names ‘Enki Ea,’ coded in ASCII.”
- Strob (George Costanza), Circle Chasers Facebook

Updated 063011: June 28, 2011 Poirino, Italy - Two extraordinary 2011 crop formations have been reported in the northwestern town of Poirino, Italy, on June 13 and 20, 2011. Poirino is a town in the Province of Turin in the Italian Piedmont region located about 12 miles (20 km) southeast of Turin (Torino) where the famous Christ Shroud is kept. Poirino has also been the location of other crop formations over the past decade, including one alleged a year ago on June 11, 2010, that was described by the CMM research group in 2010 graphics below in More Information.
This year on June 20, 2011, a 7-petal pattern emerged that has a 7-pointed star around a ring at its center. The seven petals are divided by seven straight lines of dark (standing crop) and light (flattened crop) patterns of seven circles.
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