“We have doubts. We are not yet sure. What we can tell you today is that we are sure that if the Higgs Boson is there, it will not escape
detection. It will definitely be discovered without any doubt in a year from now.”
- Guido Tonelli, Ph.D., Spokesperson, CERN CMS
December 13, 2011 Geneva, Switzerland - The Large Hadron Collider at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics known as CERN collides hadrons together to see what the matter part of the universe is made of down to the smallest subatomic particles. Hadrons are subatomic particles made of quarks held together by the strong force, while atoms and molecules are held together by the electromagnetic force. The best known hadrons are protons and neutrons that make up the nucleus in each atom. Theoretically in the physics “Standard Model” of how the universe is constructed, protons have mass because of a theoretical subatomic particle called a Higgs Boson.
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