“ In the 30-second-exposure Image 038, the bright object is paralleling the star field and there is no camera stabilization explanation for the undulating trail that ends in a roundish object. Something moved from the bright object and was captured in that 30-second exposure.”
- Canon Camera Service Tech

Return to Part 1.
December 23, 2011 Kitchener, Ontario, Canada - Part 1 in this series of Earthfiles reports about high strangeness in the Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, sky summarized the similar multiple-colored patterns that people in many parts of the United States have taken since 2008, beginning with the UFO flap in Stephenville, Texas, in January 2008. Part 2 features series of images that Kitchener resident Greg Crane has photographed from the second week of September 2011 to mid-December 2011, including two 30-second exposures on November 13, 2011.
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