“It sounded as if a large, metal railroad car slammed at full speed into a stone wall.”
- Michael Dinsmore, Chemistry, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia
“There was somebody who lived on a boat right close to downtown San Diego and they also felt the boom vibration on their boat.”
- Craig Herrera, Meteorologist, Channel 10 TV, San Diego, CA
“The jets kept circling (the sock-shaped UFO). It was very strange.”
- April 12, 2012 eyewitness, Bath, England

Return to Boom Updates Part 1.
Updated April 26, 2012 Albuquerque, New Mexico - The bizarre and still-unexplained metallic, jolting booms persist into April 2012, including five new geographic locations from Bath, England, to central Ohio, to Tacoma, Washington, to San Diego County, California, to Columbia, Missouri - all happening within three days.
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