“I watched the pilot maneuver his AH-64 Apache helicopter in a very tight, low, banking circuitous pattern over the neighborhood for the next 15 minutes going up and down over houses from street to street.”
- Fort Knox, Kentucky resident after January 9, 2013, loud booms
in southern Indiana and Illinois and northwestern Kentucky
February 6, 2013 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Earthfiles has received loud boom reports from at least thirty regions of the United States since October 17, 2012, as residents from the East Coast to Bakersfield, California, and from Verde Valley, Arizona to Anchorage, Alaska, have reported booms associated in some cases with bright flashes of light to local authorities and media. So far no one has a final answer to the eerie boom phenomenon that has been ongoing since the spring of 2011. During the first year of reports, many people described feeling hard thumps against the bottom of their shoes and on the wall next to them while floors shook. Then beginning in mid-2012, most witnesses said the loud booms and flashes of light were coming from the sky.
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