Mysterious New Boom Reports

“The whole beach house shook.”

- Witness, Virginia Beach, Virginia

“This is weird. Where are the booms coming from?
Sometimes it's like a train backing into another train.”

- Thomas Daniel, resident in Carytown section of Richmond, Virginia


August 24, 2013, The Virginian-Pilot, Virginia Beach, Virginia.
August 24, 2013, The Virginian-Pilot, Virginia Beach, Virginia.

No one can say for sure if what Nencetti and people along the Virginia Beach coast felt this morning really was a sonic boom. Residents around Hampton Roads and in northeastern North Carolina took to social media sites to report that they heard three or four loud booms.

The U.S. Geological Survey didn’t register anything this morning, but did receive reports from residents who heard the noise which some said was accompanied by shaking and came on the two-year anniversary of the 5.8 magnitude earthquake that was centered near Mineral.


September 8, 2013 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Since January 2011 when I received the first reports of bright flashes of light and loud, unexplained booms that rattle windows, garage doors and have even cracked sidewalks, I have produced more than fifty Earthfiles reports about the persistent high strangeness to date. See More Information below. The booms have come periodically and recently, I have received dozens of boom or metal crashing reports again of which a few are shared here in the hopes of learning more from other Earthfiles viewers and radio listeners. Ear and eyewitnesses, please email:  [email protected]. All requests for anonymity are honored.


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