“The MIB experience is something that is extremely disturbing
at the time it occurs, something that is very difficult to discuss with anyone,
and something that continues to haunt the victim for the rest of their lives.”
- Ray Boeche, Th.D., Theologian, Pastor
and Paranormal Researcher, Lincoln, Neb.
Return to Part 1.
June 9, 2015 Albuquerque, New Mexico - After the Writers' last floppy disc came to me on August 16, 1994, (See Part 10), Ray Boeche in Lincoln, Nebraska, continued to investigate the UFO/E.T. phenomenon in many of its complex facets including animal mutilations, human abductions and government policies of denial and lies about actual interactions of non-human intelligences with Earth.
Four years later by June 9, 1998, Ray sent me a draft he was working on about one disturbing aspect of the UFO phenomenon that resonated with the Writers' concerns of at least one confusing, deceptive non-human life form at work on this planet. Ray's title was "Web of Deception" provoked by the persistent mystery from the early 1950s onward of scary, intimidating Men in Black, who threatened eyewitnesses into silence about UFO sightings. This Part 11 of the Earthfiles Maze of Deception series includes updated excerpts from Ray's original research.
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