Mysterious Unidentified Light Beams and Light Flashes

— “Coming up from what I think would be the (Pacific) ocean was a
huge beam of light. ... The beam was beam with a stripe in it.”

- Resident, Marin County, California, August 16, 2015

— “The light beams came in threes one right after another.
They looked like search lights, but it kind of looked like they
were coming up from the ground also?”

- Anonymous, August 19, 2015

— “The color was more like that of daylight than a lightening flash
... just a single bright flash and there was no sound.”

- Resident, Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania, August 13, 2015

Strange "striped" beam of light seen from Marin County, California, at 4 AM Pacific, on early Sunday morning, August 16, 2015. Sketch by Kentfield, California, resident.
Strange "striped" beam of light seen from Marin County, California, at 4 AM Pacific, on early Sunday morning, August 16, 2015. Sketch by Kentfield, California, resident.

August 19, 2015 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Recently in August 2015, in addition to the mysterious phenomenon of a Port Townsend, Washington, night sky flaring with sudden, silent and colorful explosion-like light (see 081415Earthfiles), there have also been light beam reports from ground to sky that last only a few seconds and are also without sound. The following are recent eyewitness descriptions to We would like to hear from other eyewitnesses to such mysterious beams that are seen with the human eye and not associated with thunderstorms. The following beam and bright light flashes all occurred in clear night skies without weather.


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