Part 2: Some FBI Docs About Unidentified Light, But Much Still Sealed 74 Years Later

“I think we're property. I should say we belong to something:
That once upon a time, this earth was No-man's Land, that other worlds
explored and colonized here, and fought among themselves for possession,
but that now it's owned by something: That something owns
this earth—all others warned off.”

- 1919, The Book of the Damned by Charles Fort

Sunday morning, January 18, 1942, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, California, with front page TWA Flight # 3 airliner crash headline and photo of right to left: actress Carole Lombard, actor Clark Gable and Carole's mother.
Sunday morning, January 18, 1942, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, California, with front page TWA Flight # 3 airliner crash headline and photo of right to left: actress Carole Lombard, actor Clark Gable and Carole's mother.
FBI Case File 98-76 dated March 27, 1942, by the Salt Lake FBI office confirmed the airliner took off from the Las Vegas Airport at 7:07 PM Pacific and only 15 minutes later at 7:22 PM had flown with engines revved up straight into Mount Polosi about 500 feet below the mountain’s 8,517 feet crest.
FBI Case File 98-76 dated March 27, 1942, by the Salt Lake FBI office confirmed the airliner took off from the Las Vegas Airport at 7:07 PM Pacific and only 15 minutes later at 7:22 PM had flown with engines revved up straight into Mount Polosi about 500 feet below the mountain’s 8,517 feet crest.

Return to Part 1.

August 26, 2016 Springfield, Missouri - A week after the inexplicable, catastrophic crash of TWA Flight  3 flying with engines powered up straight into Mount Patosi, the Chief Investigator for the U. S. Senate Sub-Committee On Safety in Air — at the Los Angeles office —  received a detailed eyewitness account by rancher Willard H. George.


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