Part 1:  U. S. Government Knowledge of “Interplanetary” Craft, 1942 – 2011

“This Headquarters has come to a determination that the mystery airplanes are in fact not earthly and according to secret intelligence sources, they are in all probability of interplanetary origin.”

- George Marshall, Army Chief of Staff, March 5, 1942


 Actual photograph taken of eight search lights aimed by American anti-aircraft batteries at an unidentified diamond-shaped, glowing object or objects during the “Battle of Los Angeles” some time around 3:06 a.m. Pacific, February 25, 1942,  over Santa Monica Mountains near Los Angeles, California. Photographer, Mr. Calvert.
Actual photograph taken of eight search lights aimed by American anti-aircraft batteries at an unidentified diamond-shaped, glowing object or objects during the “Battle of Los Angeles” some time around 3:06 a.m. Pacific, February 25, 1942,  over Santa Monica Mountains near Los Angeles, California. Photographer, Mr. Calvert.

Reposted October 18, 2018 - September 11, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - The following is an email that Earthfiles received from a Washington, D. C. government source concerning the Alec Newald abduction case in New Zealand.


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