Part 7:  U. S. Government Knowledge of “Interplanetary” Craft, 1942 – 2011

TOP SECRET, AUTH: AC of S, G-2, INIT:  c, DATE:  04 July 1947; Sq IPU (Interplanetary Unit); FO 862; 040300A JUL 47. Interplanetary Unit's one-page order directs a team to depart Andrews AAF, Washington, D. C., to proceed to Condron Field, N. M. (Roswell Army Air Field) and make contact with the officer in charge (OIC) of 4th Army Counter Intelligence Corps. (CIC) to take a counter intelligence team cleared on a “need to know” basis to what is presumed to be an unidentified aerial craft crash site and report to the G2 (intelligence) at Condron Field/ Roswell AAF. OIC is to take personnel that include a non-commissioned OIC (NCOIC), an aeronautical engineer, a scientist, a security officer and a medical doctor, and to provide a report byJuly 28, 1947.
TOP SECRET, AUTH: AC of S, G-2, INIT:  c, DATE:  04 July 1947; Sq IPU (Interplanetary Unit); FO 862; 040300A JUL 47. Interplanetary Unit's one-page order directs a team to depart Andrews AAF, Washington, D. C., to proceed to Condron Field, N. M. (Roswell Army Air Field) and make contact with the officer in charge (OIC) of 4th Army Counter Intelligence Corps. (CIC) to take a counter intelligence team cleared on a “need to know” basis to what is presumed to be an unidentified aerial craft crash site and report to the G2 (intelligence) at Condron Field/ Roswell AAF. OIC is to take personnel that include a non-commissioned OIC (NCOIC), an aeronautical engineer, a scientist, a security officer and a medical doctor, and to provide a report by July 28, 1947.

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Reposted October 23, 2018 - November 2, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - One of the longest documents leaked about “Examination of Unidentified Disc-like Aircraft” in New Mexico was a self-described “Preliminary Report” dated September 19, 1947, MAJIC EYES ONLY, from the Central Intelligence Group in Washington, D. C., headed by U. S. Navy Rear Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter. Here the MAJIC acronym is defined in the addressee's title: MILITARY ASSESSMENT OF THE JOINT INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE, MAJIC.


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