Large Triangle Over Albuquerque

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe
April 22, 1999  Albuquerque, NM ­

Very large, triangular-shaped aerial craft have been reported during the 1980's and 90's over the United States and other parts of the world. In 1997, several eyewitnesses in Arizona estimated that one unidentified aerial triangle was almost two miles long. (See 03/13/97 Earthfiles, Large Triangle Over Phoenix, Azizona.)

Now, on April 22, 1999 just before midnight, Tony Chapparo of Albuquerque, New Mexico walked to the second story balcony of his house. He was facing east toward the Sandia Mountains when he looked up toward the zenith.


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The Mysterious Life and Death of Dr. Wilhelm Reich

April 20, 1999 New York City - One of the most maligned scientists of the 20th century was psychiatrist
Dr. Wilhelm Reich. He was born on March 24th, 1897 in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, grew up on a farm, and then entered medical school. By
the 1920s, Dr. Reich was being hailed as the heir apparent to Sigmund Freud because of his contributions to psychoanalysis.

By the 1930s, Dr. Reich's studies of biogenesis -- the origin of life -- were thought by some to be worthy of a Nobel Prize.
Then in the 1940s in the United States, Dr. Reich claimed to discover a new form of energy that he said pervaded all space
and life, including vacuums. He began to write about a new paradigm in physics, one in which energy -- not matter -- is primary.
And Dr. Reich began to experiment with weather modification. Those experiments seemed to attract glowing lights of unknown
origin and Reich speculated the lights were advanced machines operated by non-human intelligences. All of this apparently threatened
people of power and financial influence in America and Europe.


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Spinach Power for Integrated Circuits and Fuel Cells

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe
April 14, 1999  Oak
Ridge, Tennessee -
Popeye ate spinach leaves for strength. Now researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee are using microscopic spinach proteins for electronic devices. Spinach leaves are put in a blender and processed down to microscopic proteins called chloroplasts that convert light into chemical energy. The next step is a scientific breakthrough first done by physicist Dr. Elias Greenbaum at the Oak Ridge National Lab. He puts the spinach proteins into a platinum solution to get a metal coating. This marriage between the plant and mineral world could make silicon chips obsolete in another ten years. I asked Dr. Greenbaum why spinach?


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Strange Lights In Missouri

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe
April 9, 1999  Eureka
Springs, Arkansas -
weekend I'm in Eureka Springs, Arkansas to speak at the 11th
Annual Ozark Conference about unusual phenomena. In this beautiful
Victorian resort town of artists and writers, the dogwood and
redbud trees are flowering everywhere as if all were right in
the world.


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Triangles Over Wenatchee Valley, Washington, 1966

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

March 28, 1999 -

I have interviewed eyewitnesses about large triangle craft for years. In my book Glimpses of Other Realities, Volume II: High Strangeness (Earthfiles Shop), I reprinted pages from a government document entitled Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal" classified TOP SECRET/MAJIC EYES ONLY and dated April 1954 by the U. S. War Department.

In a section about different kinds of extraterrestrial craft, the U. S. government manual states: "Airfoil or triangular shape. This craft is believed to be new technology due to the rarity and recency of the observations. Radar indicates an isosceles triangle profile, the longest side being nearly 300 feet in length. Little is known about the performance of these craft due to the rarity of good sightings, but they are believed capable of high speeds and abrupt maneuvers similar to or exceeding the performance attributed to disc or circular (shaped craft)."


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Rings In Canadian Forests; Contrail Spheres; and Symbols

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe
March 21, 1999-

1) International Air Pollution:

This weekend I'm in Pensacola, Florida for the Project Awareness Conference about unusual phenomena and new millennial trends. One subject many of us will be talking about is global environmental deterioration. And the March 15th, 1999 Geophysical Research Letters, has published the first study to confirm that the air people are breathing in Washington State probably contains chemical pollution from Chinese factories. Professor Dan Jaffe at the University of Washington and his colleagues concluded that 22% of the carbon monoxide arriving at Cheeka Peak in Washington had originated in East Asia. The polluted air took about six days to travel from Asia to North America. Professor Jaffe was philosophical about the fact that our planet seems to get smaller as problems spill from country to country: "We make pollution, too. Everybody's pollution goes somewhere else."


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Silver Sphere In Contrails Over Albuquerque, New Mexico

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe
March 17, 1999 -

At the end of February 1999 when I was in Sedona, Arizona to speak at a conference, several of us went outside to go to lunch. But we were stopped cold by what was in the sky -- a large silver airplane at high altitude was making a perfect and very large white X in a very blue sky. The X stretched from the western horizon up to and past the zenith. A huge X. Then we realized there were other large Xs in the sky. And within a couple of hours, the sky was totally overcast. A couple of days later in Phoenix, I saw similar Xs in a blue sky that later became overcast.


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Africa Stone Circle and Triangle of Lights over Tucson, Arizona

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe
March 14, 1999 -

Sahara Desert Circle of Rocks

In the March 1999 issue of National Geographic, there is a photograph of a circle made from small, flat, dark rocks on beige sand in the Sahara desert of Africa. The perfect circle is actually a ring about two feet wide laid flat on the desert sand and stretching about 60 feet from one side of the ring to the other. Who put the dark stones down so neatly and perfectly flat is not known. The mystery does not end with the ring. Investigators have discovered that if they go about one mile from the ring of rocks, there are markers exactly north, south, east and west of the ring. The markers are also made of dark stones that form arrows pointing away from the circle in each of the four directions. So far, no one knows the age of the ring and arrows, who made them, or exactly what their purpose is. For listeners who want to see a photograph of the ring of rocks, you will find it in the National Geographic article entitled "Journey to the Heart of the Sahara," in the March 1999 issue.


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Chickadee Beak Deformities in Alaska

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe
February 28, 1999 - This week, Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt spoke before a federal Taskforce on Amphibian Decline and Deformities, now referred to as TADD. Babbitt said the entire Cabinet is concerned about "an increasing environmental threat showing up in unexplained declines, deformities and even disappearances of frogs, toads and salamanders -- species that have been on Earth for 350 million years."


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Bigfoot or Skunk Ape, Florida Everglades

February 21, 1999 - Just before we went on the air tonight, I talked with the Miami Dade County Mayor's office about the circle of holes found at a construction site at the mouth of the Miami River in downtown Miami.

On February 17th, the Miami Dade Board of County Commissioners voted ten to one to legally seize the archaeological site under eminent domain. With this vote, the commission has a temporary restraining order against the apartment contractor who wanted to dig up the holes so he could finish his building project. With the commission's actions, a jury will now have to decide how much money will be paid the contractor to buy the site for Dade County preservation.


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