Tag: William Mills Tompkins (6 results)

07-02-2016 - NASA Photo Lab Tech Saw Negative of Alien “Object” On Moon Blacked Out.
05-27-2016 - Part 2: Alien Agendas Include Animal Mutilations and Hybrids
05-27-2016 - Part 1: WWII  Was An E.T. Battle Fought Through Humans, According to Retired U. S. Navy Engineer
08-27-2008 - Part 1: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases
10-12-2002 - Could Cheops Pyramid’s Small Channels and “Doors” Be Resonators or Antennae?
09-25-2002 - Part 2 – Harvard Egyptologist Discusses Purpose of Shafts and Small “Doors” in Cheops Pyramid