NASA Photo Lab Tech Saw Negative of Alien “Object” On Moon Blacked Out.

“I saw the negative of the alien object on the moon
opaqued out with ink-like substance that was thick and black.”

- Donna Hare, former Philco-Ford and NASA photo lab technician, Austin, TX

“What I think Donna Hare is referring to is Photo Lab techs taking the
original negatives, making positive prints from them and then painting out
the unmentionables (UFOs), and then making copy negatives
for public distribution from those altered prints.

- Keith Laney, digital imaging specialist
and web producer of Lunar and Martian Anomalies Files

Donna Hare, a former Philco-Ford and NASA Photo Lab tech, identifies this strange object on the moon photographed during Apollo Mission 10, on NASA Frame No. AS10-32-4822. Donna says she watched a female NASA employee in Building 8, NASA Manned Space Center in Clear Lake, Texas, near Houston (later Johnson Space Center), use thick, black ink to “paint out” the object on a negative. Graphic by Keith Laney from original positive print provided by retired NASA human test engineer Ken Johnston.
Donna Hare, a former Philco-Ford and NASA Photo Lab tech, identifies this strange object on the moon photographed during Apollo Mission 10, on NASA Frame No. AS10-32-4822. Donna says she watched a female NASA employee in Building 8, NASA Manned Space Center in Clear Lake, Texas, near Houston (later Johnson Space Center), use thick, black ink to “paint out” the object on a negative. Graphic by Keith Laney from original positive print provided by retired NASA human test engineer Ken Johnston.

July 2, 2016 Austin, Texas - Another eyewitness to the NASA Photo Lab painting and airbrushing evidence of an alien presence on the moon and Earth is Donna Hare, 70. She was born in Houston, Texas, in 1945. After graduating from Jessie Jones High School in 1965, she applied for work in the growing aerospace industry around the Apollo program. In 1967, she was hired by Philco-Ford Aerospace in Houston to work as a technical publications illustrator and designer. So this was off-site sub-contractor work for NASA over the next fifteen years, working on manuals for astronauts in what became the Johnson Space Center (JSC).


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