Environmental Update April 16, 2000

Giant California Sequoias are the largest living organism on the earth today. Some are more than 3000 years old, rise up to 300 feet tall, and measure 100 feet around the base. Photograph courtesy Sierra Club.
Giant California Sequoias are the largest living organism on the earth today. Some are more than 3000 years old, rise up to 300 feet tall, and measure 100 feet around the base. Photograph courtesy Sierra Club.

April 16, 2000  Washington, D. C. - This past week, President Bill Clinton declared a large section of the Sequoia National Forest in California to be a "national monument" in order to permanently preserve the giant redwood trees. The President used his executive authority under the 1906 Antiquities Act which allows U. S. Presidents to safeguard objects of historic or scientific interest without going to Congress.


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