Are the “Tubes” On Mars from Lava, Water, or Wind?

 Mars Global Surveyor MOC Image m0400291, Northern Hemisphere, Acidalia Planitia, Latitude 39.12 Degrees North and Longitude 27.08 Degrees West. Spacecraft Altitude was 410.24 kilometers. Image by Malin Space Science Systems.
Mars Global Surveyor MOC Image m0400291, Northern Hemisphere, Acidalia Planitia, Latitude 39.12 Degrees North and Longitude 27.08 Degrees West. Spacecraft Altitude was 410.24 kilometers. Image by Malin Space Science Systems.

March 11, 2001 - Planetary scientists, geophysicists and astrogeologists will be gathering in Houston this week to discuss our solar system. It's the 32nd Lunar and Planetary Institute meeting at the Johnson Space Center. One of the most puzzling planets is Mars and recently I talked with two scientists who will be presenting papers about their work on the red planet. Dr. Maria Zuber is Professor of Geophysics and Planetary Science at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She is also Deputy Investigator of the Global Topography Map Mission now underway on Mars. Dr. Bob Craddock is a geologist at the Smithsonian Institution Center for Earth and Planetary Studies in Washington, D. C.


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