Kentucky Horse Mystery – 477 Aborted Fetuses and Stillborn Foals Since April 28

Lexington, Kentucky thoroughbred mare and foal. Photograph courtesy University of Kentucky.
Lexington, Kentucky thoroughbred mare and foal. Photograph courtesy University of Kentucky.
Between April 28 and May 16, 2001, 477 cases of first trimester dead fetuses and third trimester stillborn foals were reported to the Livestock Disease Diagnostic Center in Lexington, Kentucky.
Between April 28 and May 16, 2001, 477 cases of first trimester dead fetuses and third trimester stillborn foals were reported to the Livestock Disease Diagnostic Center in Lexington, Kentucky.

May 16, 2001 Lexington, Kentucky - Seventeen thousand thoroughbred mares live in the Kentucky blue grass fields around Lexington, the largest racehorse breeding area in the United States. Since the end of April 2001, pregnant mares have lost 477 fetuses and stillborn foals. Last year, only 46 aborted foals or fetuses were reported to the University of Kentucky Livestock Disease Diagnostic Center. That means something has caused a 700% increase in fetal deaths.


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