Environmental Updates and Colt Mutilated in Leitchfield, Kentucky

Three-month-old male colt found dead the morning of May 25, 2001 on a horse farm owned by Mike and Rose Downs of Leitchfield, Kentucky. Photograph courtesy Sheriff Joe Brad Hudson, Grayson County Sheriff's Department.
Three-month-old male colt found dead the morning of May 25, 2001 on a horse farm owned by Mike and Rose Downs of Leitchfield, Kentucky. Photograph courtesy Sheriff Joe Brad Hudson, Grayson County Sheriff's Department.

June 9, 2001 Washington, D. C. - This week President George Bush heard his own personally hand-picked scientific panel tell him that global warming is real, man-made, poses threats in the future and that the global temperature could rise between 2.5 and 10.4 degrees Fahrenheit over this century. When Bush created the panel in March, the President said he was unsure that global warming was a real phenomenon. Now his own panel of climate experts, including a Nobel Prize winner and members of the National Academy of Sciences, has answered with these sobering words:


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