Can the United States Cope with Bioterrorism Attacks?

"I would say certainly we are vulnerable. But I would say we are much less vulnerable, in the sense of being unable to respond, than we were a year ago. It's like night and day even from a year ago. Does that mean we are really well prepared to do all that needs to be done? No! There is a lot to be done, particularly at the local levels."

- D. H. Henderson, M. D.

Smallpox face lesions on boy.  Photograph by Cheryl Tyron, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia.
Smallpox face lesions on boy. Photograph by Cheryl Tyron, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia.
Man with smallpox. Photograph by Barbra Rice, Centers for Disease Control.
Man with smallpox. Photograph by Barbra Rice, Centers for Disease Control.

January 17, 2003 - Over the past several days, there have been national headlines such as:

  • "Flu has turned deadlier in the last decade, new study says."
  • "Postal Service tests facility for anthrax, Possible bacteria found in Federal Reserve sample."
  • "Bubonic plague suspected in New York City visitors."
  • "U.S. is unprepared for germ warfare."


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